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By miniminsmum on Jan 15, 2012 at 4:20 AM

Um, luuks lyke yu didn't send me ennyfing yet, but no problem, hao abowt teh milk squared on p.2? Fanks a lot

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By JediSquirrel on Jan 14, 2012 at 9:12 PM

Thanks to azevedan for putting together this message! - Ohai, cheezpeeps! On the eve of the great collectibles sale, here are some of my thoughts. If you still need things and you have coins, use your coins for the most rare that you need…those original Dr. Tinycat and the 4’s in the old sets. If you are all set, but have extra coins, wait a few days to see who is able to buy what for him/herself. Those of you with lots of extras – there are peeps who still need collectibles, collectibles that you have! Please try to gift to each person each day! Let’s help finish each other off! Those of you who need collectibles – please, PLEASE just ask each of us for what you need. It’s very hard keeping track. We want to help – make it easy for us! Looking for more names either to help out or hit up, send me a message! Kthnx! ~catena

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By miniminsmum on Jan 10, 2012 at 2:37 AM

Ohai, yu go into Collectibles, tehn into "Retired collectibles" and then "next" at the bottom til you come to p. 4. Then if you click on a collectible you have more than one of you get a little present icon which you can click on to gift the collectible. Hmm, that sounds complicated - hope you can follow my egg-splanashuns!

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By miniminsmum on Jan 10, 2012 at 1:33 AM

Ohai Suzkatz! I don't need any collectibles for me, but if yu don't mind sending me your bottle cap kitteh on page 4 of the retired collectibles, I can pass it on to a frend! Thanks muchly!

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By CatBurgh on Jan 9, 2012 at 8:50 PM

Small world! My brother works at UMKC, and his son went to the U of K in Lawrence. My family is all Midwestern - Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa. I've only been to Oklahoma couple of times, many years ago, but remember how friendly the folks there are, too. Ooh, just noticed it's waaay past my bedtime. *poof I'z gone*

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By CatBurgh on Jan 9, 2012 at 6:30 PM

LOL. Ai nebber thot ob myself as bean frum up north. Akshully, ai am a borne adn bread Cornhusker. Ah, land ob wide open sky, you can sea forebber in awl direkshuns. It took sum tiem for me to adjust to awl teh hills adn the ballys adn the ribbers - adn doant get me started on teh twisty terny rodes adn awl teh bridges!! :-)

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By CatBurgh on Jan 9, 2012 at 8:48 AM

Ohai, suzkatz! Yore more dan welkom. Ai duzunt need ennyfing, just trine to shayr wif my Cheezfrends. *schmoo*

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By lgcatwoman19 on Jan 2, 2012 at 9:41 PM

Ohai ahn Happy New Year Suzkatz: ai jes stopped in teew sai bes wishez foar deh 2012 ahn stuff. hay Suz-how meni babeehs dew yew hab enywai? ai don member if ewe said. bai nao. lgcw19--Lesley.

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By miniminsmum on Dec 31, 2011 at 10:44 AM

Awl teh beri best fur 2012 Schmoos!

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By lgcatwoman19 on Dec 30, 2011 at 6:34 AM

Ohai Suzkatz: Heheh, yeah, ai mite be fat cept ai waz deh ole woman inna shew- deh kittehs ate before der Mommee--an er waznt much lef tew get fat on!! Ai cant figur awl why ahm only hab deh won babee nao, ahn ahm still not hab deh munies fohr foods, berry perplexmant!?lol!lgcw

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By lgcatwoman19 on Dec 29, 2011 at 8:35 PM

Ohai Suz: ai forgeted dat ai didnt spain deh name yet. lg iz mai 1st and maidn/mid name, cw iz wat it izz. ai am what it iz. 19 iz mai # ob babeez (total) ai onlky hab 1 naow cuz deh udder 18 iz bein boarded in Crisfield Md. at a.s.a.p. founders country house. ai luzdid mai home so ai don hab no wer to keep mai babeez naow (or me) sew ai hab only Tiny wif me war ai am stayin. so wen ai say -18 iz becauz ai habbent dem her - ahn tears becaz ai be missen dem awl so much. eny moar questyunz about me ewe kan ask me but dat iz deh meanin ob deh name lgcatwoman19(-18 foar naow) tears. bye noaw. Lesley (udder name).

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By lgcatwoman19 on Dec 29, 2011 at 9:44 AM

ohaidehr Suzkatz--ai wahnted tew tank ewe foar deh colektibol - ai habbent berry meny bein new ahn awl. ahn now deh ar gowen teh discontenew dem ai wont be abel tew get dem. ewe goin tew hab a Happy New Year?a hfinkso (to quote Catburger) haha. ai lub dat sayin! ewe hab it okay? bye naow! lgcw19, Lesley

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By miniminsmum on Dec 27, 2011 at 9:34 AM

Ohai Suzkatz, fanks fur teh frend rekwest! Hoap yu had a grate Catmuss!

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By KellieKat on Dec 26, 2011 at 10:57 PM

Ai took onli 3 weeks of German in college, lolz. Ai fink it's spelled Wass ist das and pronounced how you spelled it, sew werks fine for cheezland! Were you asking about Anna Happytayled Gnu Deer? just say it out loud and ai finks you will get it.

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By KellieKat on Dec 26, 2011 at 7:38 PM

Fankees fur da Collectiblol :-)Anna Happytayled Gnu Deer!

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By KellieKat on Dec 26, 2011 at 2:37 AM

Fankees furr da frendly rikwest, Suzcat! Ai hoep yurr LOLidays were happy :-)

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By lgcatwoman19 on Dec 25, 2011 at 8:06 PM

ohai suzcat- Jes ai kwik messach tew say Merry catmas tew yew cuz ai dohnt tink mai catmas lol wen enyfurder dehn mai page cuz ai dohnt no how tew sehnit tew all cheez frens (??!) ai iz perplxied wif dhe pc - ahn nobudy weehl teech me hear. dey onliest gets mad if ai don lend it tho! oh well, it bes dat wey somtyms. tek car ob yorself! lgcw19 & Merry Cwissmiss!

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By CatBurgh on Dec 23, 2011 at 7:31 PM

Ohai, suzkatz! I hope things are well with you. We're expecting a dry (as in no snow) Christmas. Okay by me. :-) All my best to you and yours. xoxo CB

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By lgcatwoman19 on Dec 19, 2011 at 7:03 PM

Hi Suzkatz- I just wanted to say howdy to ya, just in case I lose my internet service (I have money for medicine or tv/int/phone pkg) not both plus computers acting up w/viruses, worms, whatever they said & needs renewal of security soooo.......just in case "Merry Christmas a bit early!" Boy that Captivating Cat is a hansome Devil, is he not? I wish I knew how - I'd make him my avitar, ha! Well, talk to you later, forgive the english instead of cheespeak, but I needed to hurry! Lesley - lgcw19. Bai nao!!!

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By JediSquirrel on Dec 18, 2011 at 11:57 PM

Very important!!! If you scroll down to the bottom of your not retired collectibles sets there are two RARE sets you can BUY for one coin per collectible!!! :D Please pass on this information. KTHXBAI!

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