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By Sissy on Jul 27, 2009 at 3:28 AM

Ohai! I feels ornerd dat u chooses mai lol fer ur avatar! I kept lookin fer ages where I put that pic and finally found it. Here's wun dancin cheshire kitteh: The pic shud b usable by eberyone, shud u wants to save it wifout my captions. If it's not recaptionable, gibs meh a holler (almost wrote: a loller!)

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By LOLraider on Jul 20, 2009 at 2:31 PM

You have such a special way with words, you seem to know the truth about life. You know why the human heart beats. For as long as I have known you, I get the feeling that you are a good soul. I've seen the way you are with your friends. FIRECAT HASSA HEART FULL OF LOVE

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By Fc1 on Jul 20, 2009 at 12:22 PM

OK, done back-reading now. You and I definitely have THAT in common inasmuch as I like having a "live" dinner plate. ;D;D;D :D:D:D

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By Fc1 on Jul 20, 2009 at 12:18 PM

For a student of art, everywhere is your school. And I think you've made the most out of YOUR lessons if some of your lols are anything to go by. Since I really don't write much poetry anymore, except on the occassional lol, and my oil painting days are far behind me {was never any good, just did it for personal pleasure} this site allows me to give vent to a side of myself long stiffled. Not to mention, a pressure-relief valve when that is needed too. :D While writing this, I noticed Phils' comment starting with *shaves stomach*.....ummm ok. I GOTTA find out what brought that on! Blessed Be, sister friend.

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By Phil-Tudor on Jul 20, 2009 at 12:03 PM

*shaves stomach* ..... what's a 'blini' ? .. *buuuzzzzzzzz*..... no I never seen Tampopo, but the way you describe iy I think I should.... WoooHoooo, ... *applies coconut calming balm to stomach*........... I *SHOULD* have an adult only profile but I have a few younger friends who seem to respect me as I respect them. You gave me an idea though! .. I could use my other profile. Not used it yet! I will begin by requesting selected friends. ... the name is raider.... LOLraider

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By Phil-Tudor on Jul 20, 2009 at 11:25 AM

hehehehe. I have a deep admiration for the Apollo program from 1 to 17. It's one of my private passions. .... I wanted to add a little fun to it too. No offense intended. Now, about some of my other private passions......................

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By fredsmom on Jul 19, 2009 at 7:07 PM

Ai is looking ferward to seeing iffn Bird can made duplicate ob da missing earring. Ai heres da wisdom in getting pendant made too. Dat Lapis is lubly color reminds me ob dat stars in da sky... Mom has keyboard dat runs on da batteries - Ai will has to look at dat tomorrow - cause is not typing all dat well. My one sissy, Jenny, tells me dat it will be gud to all be together in mountains. Her says energy is pure here. Dat we are all smart intelligent wise women when we is together but we falls apart when we is split up. Her has gud point. Ai has been putting sum finking into dat.. Ok - off ta beds fer me - was long journey yesterday, but Ai made it to wedding wif 15 seconds to spare.....

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By ihazbirdienotkitty on Jul 19, 2009 at 4:42 AM

Good morning, Sorry it took a bit to get back to you-I work weekends and my time can be off a bit then.My guides are (in order of meeting) a tall man wearing black robes(he was the first one who popped in on me-scared the bugger out of me at first,and he is the one teaching me;a fluffy orange cat; a great blue heron; and I have seen a female around,but she hasn't talked to me much-I suppose she will when she's ready. I do want to thank you for your words and help-it is greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

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By ihazbirdienotkitty on Jul 15, 2009 at 6:31 AM

Thank for the advice-i have amethyst,rose quartz and citrine-don't know about the others,but there's a great little shop in my area that sells crystals (I'm also taking my lessons there) I'll stop in and see if they have them. You are great with advice and encouragement-thank you!!

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By Sissy on Jul 14, 2009 at 5:00 AM

Actually, the grinnin kitteh WAS dancing, but only after finding the stone right in front of it. There was no effort in loking for it, but finding it seemed an important part...

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By Sissy on Jul 13, 2009 at 10:41 PM

Ohai! Funniest thing happened: - You wouldn't happen to have a purple lucky stone, would you?

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By krelm on Jul 13, 2009 at 3:45 PM

Tanx for septin my frenkwest...L.A. is too sparkly and shiny for me too! but this is where lyf took meh, adn now iz stuck (yoo kno how that goes). Ilived in Bay City frum about 10 mo to 23 yrs. tehn left to 'see the world' (BFD) kollege, mayk alibbin, etc now here I iz...*heavy sigh!!1!*

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By Romeow on Jun 25, 2009 at 11:15 PM

Hai tookat! I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. I've printed it out and read it, many times. You have opened my eyes to a lot of things. I've never seen it all laid out before, and explained so well. Clearly, there are many complexities that I don't know about, but this is a great foundation to build on. I've spent my day taking a different look at my life. Looking at the crossroads past and present, and evaluated at how I have done / am doing with them. I've always believed that problems were an opportunity to learn and grow, but who knew there was a contract? :-) Seriously, it has made me look at my life in a different way.

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By fredsmom on Jun 23, 2009 at 7:02 PM

Ohai Tookat - lookie what Ai found... Iz dis you???

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By GrammyOgg on Jun 21, 2009 at 9:19 PM

I WILL pray for you two! I hope it'll be weeks or months, not years. Surely something meant to be won't take so long....I hope not, anyway. Good! (I was wool-gathering & noticed you're talking to Kerry, too!) I loved your wedding story...was that the one Bird was helping to plan? I'm headed to bed now, Tigger figured out how to turn the tv off & I thought it had died!! I didn't notice him in the living room when I went to see what happened, but he must've turned it off. Boo was at my feet & no one else is here but us kittehs! LOL!

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By GrammyOgg on Jun 20, 2009 at 4:25 PM

Hai, sister of my soul! Am going to light a candle tonite...Jezriel seems to be inhabiting Boo...she is always at my elbow & demanding attention. If he isn't, he's close to you to bits!

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By mamagwyn on Jun 18, 2009 at 5:07 PM

A further update about Milo...and a question. Erika ("Mommy") said he settled in quite nicely, and played with Mariah and her little brother (about 3 or 4...he said "Kitty!" and gave Milo nose-rubs) then he slept all night on Mariah's pillow with her. Here's the thing...we went to let me meet Milo yesterday, but they were closed up 45 minutes early. Turns out that Erika is 4 months pregnant...and it's NOT a good pregnancy. She's been in the hospital 3 times in the 4 months due to dangerously low potassium, and constant, unending nausea. Last time she was in, they gave her 11 BAGS of potassium! I'm very much afraid that she's going to lose this baby. What do I do? CAN I do anything? Who do I pray to? I must admit, at this point I am more concerned with saving HER life, than the baby's. The baby will come around again, I believe that, but Erika is needed. And she is NOT the type to give up the baby. (You know what I mean...) Can you advise me? I like these people, and would hate to see M

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By GrammyOgg on Jun 18, 2009 at 7:05 AM

Big "atta-girls" to mamagwyn!! Apparently that child & the kitteh NEEDED each other more than we know! Hope to follow Mariah's progress! My dd thought to be a vet @ that age, but has since progressed to being a duela or midwife or lactation consultant. She went to a LL meeting Monday & learned that SC's WIC program is funded by formula companies & the health dept has all but QUIT breast-feeding advocacy. A crying damn shame, IMHO. *I* breast-fed & dd is...we never had too much trouble with it. The HD doesn't have lactation nurses, much less LC's. *grab the soapboxes! Grammy's onna tear!!!* That's what's WRONG with the obesity problem in this country & makes SC SECOND in the 'states for obesity-related health problems!! Gall bladders, diabetes & heart problems top the list of this state's health troubles!!! I asked Jezriel to cut me some slack before I got your msg. This a.m. is the first a.m. I didn't trip over Deb's feet (OR my own) all week! He can have me on my 3-day

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By mamagwyn on Jun 17, 2009 at 9:46 PM

Strangely enough, when I talked to Mariah's mom, I got a VERY strong feeling that this kitten and this child NEED each other...even before Erika actually asked me if I would mind giving him away. I truly think that Mariah and Milo are supposed to be together...and THAT"S why Richard was the one to rescue him! NOT to be "my" cat, (although he was for a week...without my ever meeting him) but because he and this little girl have something to do together.I will never know what it is...but that's OK!! As I said once before...if we do something positive, the effect may not "show" for a generation or two, but it doesn't MATTER if we never know. All that matters, is that we do it! Who knows? Maybe Mariah will find a cure for some dread kitty-disease...or something like that, because she knows that she has a kitty who would have died without treatment. (I did confirm this. Milo would have died within two weeks.) So, WE DONE GOOD!!

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By ichc.miniburger on Jun 17, 2009 at 11:33 AM

Hai Tookat! Thanks for the compliment on my lol :) I did speak with Tofu and she said we are working on combining the two! Yay! ;)

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