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By mamagwyn on Jun 17, 2009 at 10:53 AM

Well !! We are NOT going to have a kitten named "Chuck"...When I called this morning to see how he was, Erika, the receptionist, said that her daughter wanted him. Now...explanation: Erika is married to Dr. Scott's nephew, so Mariah is Dr. Scott's great-niece. She's 11, wants to be a vet when she grows up, and thinks the perfect way to spend her summer, is to go with her mom to the vets office and play with all the critters and help clean. All week, since Rich took the little guy in, whenever she gets to the office, the kitten goes CRAZY! "MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!" and wants to be let out, to play. Yesterday, before they had to leave, Mariah was cuddling this purr-ball, and told her mom, in a tiny, sad voice, "If he were MY kitty, I'd call him Milo." Since Erika knows we have 11, and are bankrupt, she asked if we would mind TOO much, if Mariah kept him. PERFECT!!! They obviously already love each other, and Erika has promised he will be an indoor-only cat. I couldn't be happier! I truly think

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By mamagwyn on Jun 16, 2009 at 11:36 PM

What is so funny/odd/sorta sad, is that about 80% of the time, Rich DOES believe...then his Okie, uber-Christian ( even though he's agnostic) rears it's ugly head, and he doesn't believe anything. Except (oddly enough) he believes in me. Sorry that some of that last post got cut off...but you got the jist of it. Glad that "little bit" doesn't mind's just easier than changing it, at this point. Know what you mean about cat names...(and T.S.Elliott did, too...) We have 2 cats who have NEVER learned thier names...Scraps (Rich named) and Winston (my son-in-love, Don, gave him to us, and said Winston told him his name) But neither has ever answered to those names, so I know they're named something else, I just don't know what! Doesn't keep them from being lovey, but I just wish they could tell me... Oh well! Thanks!! {{{HUGZ}}}Gwyn

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By mamagwyn on Jun 16, 2009 at 8:31 PM

Oh, how "funny"...I've known ever since we moved in here, that we have "gremlins", little mischief-makers, who LOVE to steal things, then leave them in plain sight, in a place you've already looked!!! Only occasionally do I get upset with them; usually when they hide one of my meds or my med time sheet. (I write down EVERYthing I take, and the exact time, so I don't risk over-dose!) Will he/she mind being called Chuckie? Or do I need to convince Rich to change his name? I can't tell Rich about his being Fey...don't think Rich would go for that. Can you check something for me? Mighty Mike has a LOT of personality traits that match our late Bombay, Buzzsaw (that's how loud he purred...) I suspect that Mikey is Buzz's next life, but Rich doesn't really believe that cats have 9 lives. I don't think he believes in re-incarnation, either, even though his cat, Tiger (the 28 year old) shows signs of having been human, and moved UP to cat because Rich needed him. (He understands English WAAAY t

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By Fc1 on Jun 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM

Nah, no need to "sober up". Isn't happiness a much better energy to use in channeling?!! :D

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By Kerrykatz4 on Jun 15, 2009 at 9:33 PM

My fellow Earth most funny and creative daughter was born Sept 13, my sister on Sept 15 and my Mom on Sept 16!! Both my Mother and Sister are going through some challenging times right now. We just had our annual girls day weekend this last weekend, and it all makes more sense now. They are both on the verge of some changes, and some stepping up and taking on of people higher up who have abused their trust....happy thoughts and love to you, my dear friend.

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By mamagwyn on Jun 13, 2009 at 11:37 AM

What's actually funny... if my Higher Self would TALK to the normal me, I coulda TOLD her that I'm not ready! I have only recently begun to get back into this... I did a LOT of this type thing, (not just I said, I was really good at future prediction as well) back ion the 60's and very early 70's...but I got scared. I predicted a friend of mine would marry a big, red-haired man, no children, but they would work with kids all their lives. Two weeks later, she met a big, red-haired (young) man, and ran off and married him, a week later! I actually drove from Dallas to New Orleans to try to stop her...and never managed to find her. I found his folks, who said that they were already married. Three days later, my dad had a stroke, and I didn't see her for more than 10 years. They were still married, he ADORED her, no kids, but they both worked with developmentaly disabled children. Almost EXACTLY what I'd told her. SCARED THE CRAP OUTA ME! So, yeah, just now getting back into..

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By bkey on May 27, 2009 at 9:05 AM is the beginning of my childhood pictures. In one of the comment boxes I have posted the url to the next one, etc. As I make a new one, I am going back to the last one and posting under the first comment. So start with this url and go. Loves your Sc-Fi salute. left you a comment. Loves, bkey

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By PrincessOfChaos on May 23, 2009 at 3:56 PM

Horseback riding is equal parts balance and grip. You have to have both. And you have to have gentle hands b/c you need to have contact with the horse's mouth but if your hands are hard and don't "give" with the horse, then the horse's mouth will loose its sensitivity. Your fingers can feel a lot of important information from the horse's mouth.

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By PrincessOfChaos on May 23, 2009 at 2:38 PM

Sry. I had to go do the laundry. *pleh* Yes, I ride horses and have since I was 6. I also have scoliosis which is getting worse as I get older. I have a double curve; my spine is "S" shaped. So i warped from side to side but now I am twisting from back to front as well. *sigh* It is true that you have to keep your upper body as close to still as possible with all the movement in your hips and lower back. Once you're on the horse, take your feet out of hte stirrups and let your legs hang. You will find the point where your center of gravity lines up with the horse's center of gravity (just behind his withers). You need to keep yourself there because he can carry you the most easily there.

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By PrincessOfChaos on May 23, 2009 at 12:53 PM

It is awesome! It's a little hard on the back and the legs after a while but the speed is amazing and if you choose a well-trained horse, you have the comfort of knowing that you can stop any time you want.

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By Catslave1 on May 23, 2009 at 6:08 AM

Ah Yes, The Akubra, it is pretty iconic. That and the Dri-z-bone.

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By Winnie-Wonka on May 21, 2009 at 3:46 PM

Your aunt = my mom. She is just not a good person. I may look like her but I go out of my way not to be like her. She claims to be a Christian so when the day comes that she stands before the Bema Seat of her god I hope she's prepared for what remains after the fire. Now! Let's move on to happier things...! How's your fixed toofer doing?

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By Winnie-Wonka on May 21, 2009 at 11:45 AM

ED...I just found out yesterday that if my mother - whom is NOT beloved by either of the two kids she raised - shows up on my doorstep, state law says I **HAVE** to take her in, or pay for her shelter if she says she can't afford it herself...and her medical bills not covered by medicare... I hope she stays in SC where there are no legal provisions of that sort...if she moves back to Virginia she can have the state sue me... I am not a very happy camper right now. >:o(

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By bgcmeowrrrr on May 18, 2009 at 3:32 AM

Yep. What I see is cheezpeeps "evolving" behaviors n ideas--themes for LOLs on given dayz fr instance...WOW. Wonderful. Now see younglings joining in, n ensuing debate as to how to protect them. I'm all in for that! We are part ov internet history rt now. Teh moar humane we can be, teh better! I toast us! BGC

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By GrammyOgg on Apr 17, 2009 at 1:16 PM

Namaste to you, dear sister! Didn't know you also knew eastern Indian! Shantih!! Will concentrate on your peace & tranquility in your soul. ~chill~ just went to my balcony & asked for Manitou to light my way & (after a still day) I got a brisk breeze! Blew right into my face & I was inside the screen door. Tigger came to me & nuzzled, too. Know Epona well...since before the legend of Zelda. Was a lover of horses when I was a kid. Is spooky how you know my heart & soul! I think it is time for you to e-mail me with what you know about my psyche! You've been too close with me AND with my dd!

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By Catslave1 on Apr 11, 2009 at 9:55 PM

Yep, Ostara was at the Vernal Equinox up there. Down here it was Mabon and we are approaching Samhain. The local Pagan community held a Fall Ball complete with Scarecrow contest. Unfortunately I didn't make it but I am hanging out for the Yule Ball in June. It can be very hard being a Pagan in the Southern Hemisphere you can't put the Yule tree up in June or everyone things you've lost it. I have my ways around it however. Yet, In December I have one of the best Lights display in the Street. Its just so hard when the sun doesn't go down till 9pm and the inflatable snow man looks farcicle in the 40 degree Celsius temperatures. I have to laugh when they try to celebrate Halloween (its a loosing battle) do you know how much pumpkins cost in Australia in Spring!!! The one real bonus is having fresh seafood for lunch instead of large amounts of roast meats. I do that in June with the rest of the Pagans.

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By bkey on Mar 12, 2009 at 2:46 AM

Hi Sweetie, I used to go to the Kolache Festival in a small town in Texas, not far from Houston. UMM, UMM. peach, apricot, and my favorite, prune kolaches. Every once in a while we can find them in a specialty store here in Chesapeake. One of the little boys of a vendor in the booth next to mine was talking to another little boy and all of a sudden he struck almost the same pose as the cat in my lol and shouted at him "I'm going to give you a Kolache chop". His mom told me he meant karate but always said Kolache. I saw the picture of the cat and knew I had to make that lol. Loves, bkey

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By Fc1 on Feb 18, 2009 at 9:02 AM

BTW, may I have your permission to post "The Twofold Gift" on There's a lot of FFs that would like it. Thnx!

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By Dudders on Feb 13, 2009 at 7:45 PM

bery kewl! my huzbind is from Kalamazoo. We hav gone back and visited a couple tymes. Iz bery teh summer. :) I dont liek teh snow so much though....been in teh south too long.

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