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By Len314159 on Mar 12, 2011 at 9:54 PM

....on Sunday, I have one student to tutor in the late afternoon. I go to the house and they have a nice cat there - DJ. I try to play with him for a few minutes before I leave. He has a great meow - you hear it when he's hungry and he's always hungry. He bit me once, but I have forgiven him. earlier in the afternoon, I should do some cleaning in the house. And try to go for a walk. Another student that I often see on Sundays has the coming week off so I will not be seeing him - he goes to a private school and they have different vacation schedule than the public schools. Public schools had a week off in late February and will have another week off in the middle of April. Our schools have 12 grades (plus Kindergarten.) It's usually divided up into grades 1 through 5 (elementary school), grades 6-8 (middle school) and 9-12 (high school). Is your school system structured like that at all? Weather wise, we had a high of about +10C and sunny today. Tonight, we are supposed to turn our clocks ahead one hour to start Daylight Savings Time for tomorrow. I hope you have a fun and low stress Sunday. One more thing about Stephen King. He is a big fan (supporter) of the Boston Red Sox baseball team - this is my local team. He is often at the baseball games and if he is, they often show him in his seat when there is a little break (time-out) in the game. Sometimes, he is also interviewed during the game by the announcers in their broadcast booth. So I thought you might find that story interesting. So you take care and I will be thinking of you. Love from your cheez-buddy, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 12, 2011 at 8:30 PM

Hey Pam, I didn't know the Netherlands had traffic jams. I guess it's fair that the U.S. doesn't get to have all of them (jams). Do you usually take the train to work? I seem to remember you said that you do. But maybe on the weekends, you drive (in your fancy Audi A6 - ha-ha). I'm glad to hear that you and Kyra got out for a nice walk. I hope you like what I sent you in the mail. I have no idea how long a first class envelope takes to get to Europe. The clerk at my post office said that the postage rate is the same for me to send something first class (with a weight up to one ounce) just about anywhere in the world - 98 cents. Thats the same rate for Bermuda (just off the East coast of the U.S.), anywhere in Europe, India, China, Japan, wherever. The only cheaper places (for people here) are Mexico and Canada. Anyway, we'll see. So you like to read Stephen King. Me too!! I've read quite a few of his books but still maybe about half of them. The guy is an amazing writer. He lives just down the road from me.......well, 150 miles down the road. He lives in the state of Maine, which is two states from me. So, it's almost next door. I am curious about something - do you read them in the original English, or a Dutch translation, or a French translation? The last book of his I read was "Full Dark, No Stars". It's is a collection of short stories.......

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By Len314159 on Mar 12, 2011 at 1:35 PM

Hi Pammy, I hope you out of any traffic jams and are having a good evening. I bet Kyra and the kitties missed you when you were at work. FYI, I have dropped something in the mailbox for you. I tried to be very careful writing your address correctly. (Do you put a little cross-bar on a "7" when you write numbers?) So, hopefully, it will be at your house sometime soon. You take care. Thinking of you. Love ya, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 11, 2011 at 9:07 PM

I think I found the LOL you made me!! That's very sweet -awwww Thank you. Love, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 11, 2011 at 8:55 PM

.....I wish you didn't have to get up so early on Saturday. I hope you can rest up when you get home. And I hope your Sunday has some relaxing time scheduled. I tried looking at that LOL you made me, but the cheez-burger web site said it could not find it. I will try to access it again. So I hope work is not too demanding on Saturday. Is it indoors? I am wishing you good weather for the weekend. I hope we can trade messages later on Saturday. Oh also, we change our clocks ahead one hour this Saturday night because Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday. Does Holland have a time change also, either this weekend or another weekend soon? You take care and I am thinking of you. Love ya, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 11, 2011 at 8:48 PM

Hey Pammy, I hope you are still asleep as I am typing this. It's is now 11:28 PM here; I guess thats 23:28 in metric (ha-ha). So it's 05:28 where you are. Wow, you were busy today. I hope work wasn't too draining. I am very happy too that your test results were terrific. You should be getting your Gold Stars shortly!! And I am so sorry for all the bad news that you got today. I am sorry to hear about your friend in the car accident - that is such a shame. And the story of your neighbor is so sad. It's terrible that he took his divorce so hard. And your bosses girlfriend - that's awful too. That's is a LOT to hear about in a short time. I am sure you were very supportive of your boss and maybe talking to you eased his pain just a little bit. But I can definitely understand that you are not feeling happy. That's interesting that you buy books when you are feeling down. What book did you buy, if I might ask? My day wasn't as busy as yours. I did not tutor anyone today. (And I did not hear from the student or his mother about the geometry test. I will hope for the best. So the Audi was a present from your boss? I never got anything like that when I worked for computer software companies. My Ford is OK, but I have heard that European Fords are nicer than American Ford cars. I have read that they "dumb down" the American versions with less powerful engines, and not as good suspension, steering components, tires, headlights, and brakes. But I think we get much fancier cup holders than you do (ha-ha) The 2012 Ford Focus is a new model in this country and is supposed to be much closer to the European version. Teeth - I have been trying to floss every day. I also use an electric toothbrush, as recommended by my dentist. In fact, after I finish this message, I know it's past time to brush my teeth. The dog was with another student (7th grade, pre-algebra) The dog, Daisy, is kind of wild so I only play with her for a minute or two when I come and a few minutes before I go. At other times, she is in another room. I like having cats and dogs at the houses that I go to. At one place the cat (Oscar) used to get in my lap and then lie down on my stomach and chest. It was so nice. So I have my favorite math kittehs and dogs. I am sure Kyra and your kittehs would be great math pets.......

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By Len314159 on Mar 11, 2011 at 8:32 AM

Hey Pammy, I am so glad to hear your test results were great. You must have been relieved. Well, great news. Hope you have a good day. I have a bunch of things to do. I'll tell you more later. I hope to send out a card to you in the next day or so. I have no idea how long it will take to get to you. I will need to go to the post office to get the correct postage for it. So you have a good day and I will chat with you later. Love ya, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 10, 2011 at 10:34 PM

Hey Pam, happy Friday morning. I hope you got a good night's sleep and Kyra and the kittehs kept you warm. At first, when you typed 00:36, I wasn't sure what that was, until I remembered that you said you are on 24 hour time. So I guess I have to use a 24 hr. clock to tell you the time here, use temps in "C" to talk about the weather, talk about prices in Euros, and use metric measurements to discuss weights, distances, and volumes (and we use none of those measurement types in the U.S.!!) This situation will be a good test of my math skills (ha-ha). Sorry to hear you had trouble falling asleep again, and that you were worried about your test results. Do you talk to the doctor by phone, or do you go to to his or her office? I am hoping your test results are super fantastic, with a three gold star rating!! I don't know how my student did on his geometry test. I don't think he knows yet. It takes a few days for teachers to grade and return tests. If he does super terrific, I may hear from his mother via email. If he does not do so well, I may also hear from his mother via email. But in any case, I'll find out when I meet with him next week. MY supermarket used to stay open 24 hours a day but a couple of years ago, they started closing at midnight, and then they changed it again so that they close at 11:00 PM - oops, I mean 23:00. I did get your email with your address. Thanks. Today, I tutored another student late in the afternoon - pre-algebra. I think it went well. He has a dog (Daisy) who is a bit on the "wild side" - very high energy. But I played with her for a little while. The town where this boy lives has a somewhat cheaper gas station so I got gas there after the tutoring. Then I went to a "drugstore" (a place with a pharmacy and health items) and bought some dental floss and a newspaper. Then I went home. By the time I got home, it was about 40 minutes after you sent your last message. I am impressed with your car - an Audi A6. That's pretty fancy. My car is a pretty plain Ford Taurus (American) with an automatic and it uses gas, not diesel (actually, that's the only way it was sold). Diesel cars have not caught on here....yet. Hybrid gas-electric cars are more popular. And now there are some all-electric cars for sale here. I would not mind having a hybrid. So you take care today. And I hope you test results are awesome. Love, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 10, 2011 at 10:42 AM

PS: Any chance I could have your extra chainsaw collectible? Thanx!!

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By Len314159 on Mar 10, 2011 at 10:35 AM

Hey Pammy!! Happy Thursday. I hope work wasn't too tiring today. I think it's 7:15 PM where you are. Do you use AM/PM or a 24-hour clock times? Hope you had a nice walk with Kyra, got your shopping done, and made a tasty chicken dinner. Do you like to cook? I'm OK with cooking, but I don't search for new things to cook or new recipes. Is your food market close to you? I have two markets within 2 km. Is your car have a gas engine or diesel? Manual shift or automatic? Gas has gotten more expensive here recently. It was about $3.00 a gallon until a few weeks ago (for "regular grade" gasoline - the least expensive gas). Now, it's about $3.45 a gallon and higher - I have also seen it priced at $3.59. We had $4.00 a gallon for a while in the year 2008. Everyone here was stunned. On TV, the show Big Bang Theory is on tonight. I call it BBT. I think I remember that you said you watch it. Have you seen it recently? It's been very funny this year. BBT and House-MD are my favorite shows. I am guessing you have had enough of medical stuff for a while and you don't want to watch a show about doctors and hospitals. I also watch a show called "Community" which is also on the TV tonight here. It's a comedy about a group of students (all in the same study group) at a small college. I get two channels called National Geographic channel and Nat-Geo Wild (also from National Geographic) which have lots of stories on nature and animals. I watch those quite a bit. I also like watching the Science Channel and the History Channel (there are at least three of those now) and Animal Planet (though for me, it's not as interesting as it used to be). I hope you had a good dinner. And I hope the news tomorrow from your doctor is terrific!! I wanted to ask - is the news program you work on concentrate on local news, or national news, or news from all over the world. Is it streamed on the Internet? I will send you an email with some important, secret math information (ha-ha) - trigonometry and geometry and angles and things. You take care. Doei!! Love from your cheez-pal, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 9, 2011 at 4:09 PM

......I had a good session tutoring the geometry student. He is having a test on tomorrow (Thursday ) So we went a long time to try to cover his review material and go over any topics that he wanted to review. I was happy to go for a longer time because I think we were really covering topics very well and this was the best meeting I have had with him so far. He is in "honors" geometry and is under pressure from his parents to do well. Plus he really needs to review material from Algebra I. He goes to school in my town (Bedford). After the tutoring, I had to go food shopping since I was out of almost everything. So, if I wanted to send you a card with a picture from the Boston area or a funny card, would that be OK? I could send it to your work address if you think that would be best. If I might ask, what is the name of the TV station that you work for? I looked at a list of Dutch TV stations (from a google search) and I got totally lost. Well, I hope you are asleep and getting a good night's rest, especially after last night. I am really glad your hospital thing is now over for quite a while. You get a "gold star" for doing so well. In fact, I just spoke to the chairman of the "committee" and we are going to give you two (2) gold stars for doing so terrific today. So I hope you have a nutritious breakfast in the morning and an easy commute into work. I'll be thinking of you. Lots of love from Boston U.S.A. Your cheez-buddy, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 9, 2011 at 3:54 PM

Hey Pammy!! I am really glad that you took a nap, and very happy that you feel better. It's great that Kyra and the kittehs kept you company. I hope eating gave you some more energy - the Ritter chocolate sounds really good. I bet Kyra was happy to go with you for her evening walk.........

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By Len314159 on Mar 9, 2011 at 9:53 AM

Hey Pammy, I'm very glad that your tests are over and you are home. Sorry to hear you are tired. I hope when you read this, you have just woken up from a nice long nap. Please try to eat a little something, maybe soup? You might feel better with some food inside. I also think you deserve some fun food today - cake, pie, muffin, ice cream, waffle, whatever!! If I were there, I would pick you up some "junk" food and being it right over. Right now, I have to prepare to tutor a student in the middle of the afternoon, so I need to hit the books so I can be prepared. The subject is Geometry and it's more difficult for me than any of the Algebra classes, or pre-calculus, or trig. I guess I am more of a numbers/algebra person than a spatial / geometric person. I will send you another message later. So you take it easy and rest up. There might be a lot of important news to cover tomorrow!! Thinking of you. Doei!! Love from your cheez-buddy, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 9, 2011 at 12:10 AM

......oops, accidentally hit Send. So that's mostly it. When I'm out, some less good stuff like a donut, a muffin, some pizza, and an occasional hamburger. Well, when you get this, I hope your tests are well under way, or mostly done, or actually completed. I hope things went well. Enjoy the rest of your day. Doei!! Lots of love to you, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 9, 2011 at 12:05 AM

Hey Pammy, Goedemorgen. Hoi, hoi!! I hope you got some sleep. I am very sorry that you are nervous about this. I hope everything goes really smoothly, you don't have to wait too long for anything, and you can just relax later today. I hope you will be done by mid-afternoon, or earlier. What I like to eat: For breakfast, hot or cold cereal with low fat milk, maybe some banana sliced and put in the cereal, or maybe an orange cut up, cottage cheese, and coffee !! The coffee is a must. Lunch - a sandwich, maybe peanut butter and jelly, or cheese, or sliced turkey. And sometimes a small salad. Dinner - chicken or fish - broiled or baked. With steamed vegetables. And potatoes or a grain dish. Or sometimes, an omelette with some cheese or mushrooms or sliced onions thrown in.

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By Len314159 on Mar 8, 2011 at 5:37 PM age - well, I'm 21. No!! (ha-ha) Let's just say I am quite a bit older than you. I remember when Germany was still divided, the Berlin Wall was still up, the Space Shuttle blew up, Ronald Reagan was U.S. President, Holland used Guilders as money, and the Iranians overthrew the Shah and sent him into exile. As for my home life...well, it's just me right now. I was married quite a while ago, but not anymore. We did not have any kids. I don't have a lady-friend at the moment. Sorry the story is not more exciting. So on Wednesday, I hope your checkups go REALLY well. I hope everything they do is nice and gentle, and the results are TERRIFIC. Do you talk with a doctor about the tests results tomorrow or do you go back in a few days? You can send me a message when everything is completed. You take care and I will be specially thinking of you on Wednesday. Lot's of love to you. Doei. -- Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 8, 2011 at 5:22 PM

Hey Pammy!! I just got your message. It's a bit late in Holland. I hope your checkup goes well tomorrow and nothing is a problem. I don't like having medical tests either. I don't think many people do. I haven't eaten dinner yet - in fact I have to go out and get something. So it's 8 C and you are sleeping with the windows open? You are heartier than I am. That still sounds kinda chilly. But I hope Kyra and the kittehs are keeping you warm. So reading about your last trip to Thailand, I guess you have been through it all already. And arrested too also. If you write a book about all this, you will have more material (ha-ha). Your trip to Spain sounds like fun. And Kyra will really enjoy it, I hope. Please tell me you are not investigating "organized crime" groups in Spain.........

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By Len314159 on Mar 8, 2011 at 1:36 PM

Hey Pammy!! Hoi, hoi!! Goedenavond!! Glad you had fun today with the special police. You have an exciting job. So you will be working in Minnesota on a news item about snow. Well, that's a good place to go. Minnesota is one the coldest of the states here (maybe "THE" coldest, except for Alaska) And they get a *lot* of snow. They may even still have some snow in May. You should really go in January to get the full winter feeling, but that may be too much to deal with. Plus, you could get stuck there if the airports close because of the weather - it really happened a few times this winter. I would guess you would fly into Minneapolis - the largest city in the state, with the largest airport in the state. Or you might fly into Chicago from Holland and then take another flight to Minnesota - maybe even land at a smaller airport than the big Minneapolis one. Wow, you are driving to Spain with Kyra. That's quite a trip. Are you driving with the rest of your team? Or you, Kyra, and maybe a friend? I am probably going to say this to you several times before you go, but you have to be REALLY careful in Thailand, because you are doing a story on an activity which has a lot of dangerous criminals running it and involved with it. And there is a LOT of money changing hands. Which means there are even more dangerous and nasty criminals involved. I hope your team (I sincerely *hope* there is a team) will need to be cautious. It can't just all be all about getting "the story". The safety of you and the other people is the most important thing. Well, I am done with my little speech. I've made myself good and worried. OK, so I will send you a message a little later about what I eat for breakfast and dinner. Take care. Give Kyra a hug from me. Tot ziens!! Doeg!! Lots of love to you too!! --Len

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By GothicNightmare on Mar 8, 2011 at 1:04 PM

I am awesome ^_^ Btw like your profile picture!

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By abroussard219 on Mar 8, 2011 at 8:46 AM

Found an extra chainsaw. Sent it your way! Thanks for friending me.

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