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By Len314159 on Mar 7, 2011 at 10:07 PM

PS: Do Holland, Germany, and Belgium all have Euros now as currency? When I was in Holland, the currency was Guilders. And I remember it was a bit complicated. Take care, thinking of you!!

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By Len314159 on Mar 7, 2011 at 10:05 PM

Hai Pammy, happy Tuesday!! I'm really glad you had fun on your police assignment on Monday. Tuesday sounds like it could be exciting. Do you get to wear a Kevlar bulletproof vest? So you live in Rotterdam. That's cool. I have only seen pictures. And I finally figured out that "den haag" is what we call "The Hague". And Scheveningen is one of the districts of den haag? Do I have that correct? Which has more people - Amsterdam or Rotterdam? What did you have for dinner on Monday night? What do you like to have for breakfast? Now.....let me see if I understand all are going to the state of Minnesota in May for work? Minnesota in the USA? How long will you be there? And you are going to Spain in April? Is that for work or vacation? And Thailand for work in August? And Kyra is going with you to Thailand? Wow!! I don't have anything exciting like that going on. So where will you be in Minnesota (it's a BIG place, much bigger than Massachusetts) and what will you be doing? And what is the assignment in Thailand? So there is no problem with bringing a dog from your country to Thailand and then back again? That's great that you can do that. Does Kyra like to sit in coach or first class? Is this her first flight? Is she old enough to order a drink? I did not know that Dutch students come to the U.S for law school. It is very competitive to get into U.S. law schools. And U.S. medical schools and business schools. So fill me in on some more details of your upcoming trips when you can. That is very exciting. Have a great time with the special forces guys on Tuesday. Take care of yourself. Your cheez-buddy, Len

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By GothicNightmare on Mar 7, 2011 at 4:36 PM

How are you? :^)

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By Len314159 on Mar 6, 2011 at 8:29 PM

Hey Pammy, Goedemorgen!! Hoi, hoi!! I hope you had a relaxing day on Sunday. Do the cats stay next to you when you are just relaxing? I had a busy day. I tutored three student in 4-1/2 hours. It was good but tiring. When I got home I was totally exhausted. I just lay down and fell asleep in about 2 minutes. I woke up about two hours later, feeling somewhat better, but still a little "dragging". I have a student on Monday but it's only one. It was about +12 to 13 C today. So not too bad. More of the snow has melted but there is still a lot left. I will definitely need to know more about the Netherlands. And you are my absolutely main person for information. I was looking on a map for Scheveningen and then I started looking around the country (on the map) I did not realize how close Germany is to your country and where the border is located. I did know that Belgium was very close to you. One place I did not go to in Holland is Rotterdam. Do you like to visit there? Is that the main shipping port? Are there any questions about the U.S. I can answer for you? Are there any cities in the U.S. that you have wanted to visit I am sure you read English very well. And your writing is very good. I am glad to hear that your medicines make you feel better. And it's great that they are very supportive at work. Your day with the police sounds like it will be very interesting. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know how it goes. It sounds like Kyra will have fun with your sister and family. Do she live close to you? Do you live currently near where you grew up? Do you just have one sister or do you have more siblings? I am an only child, myself. I was born in the state of New Jersey, but now I live in the state of Massachusetts, near the city of Boston. Do school students in Holland study the U.S.? We did spend time on Holland in geography. And we learned about classic Dutch artists in one of my History classes. I would have liked to take a school trip to Holland. But we just went to New York City for the day. Well, I hope you have a great Monday. Let me know how it goes on your police assignment. Are there segments that you record that are available on the Internet? I would love to see your camera work. I have only used a small video consumer model camera a couple of times. Take care. Stay warm. Your cheez-buddy, Len

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By GothicNightmare on Mar 6, 2011 at 8:18 AM

Hello, thx 4 the friend request! Nice to meeet you! :^)

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By Len314159 on Mar 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM

Hey Pammy. I am glad you had fun at the beach. We use the word "beach" also to mean "at the ocean". And it's great that Kyra had fun. How did Kyra do playing miniature gold? Did she have a good score? (ha-ha) I never heard of glow in the dark miniature golf. It sounds interesting. I searched on Google for Scheveningen. There were pictures on some of the websites. It looks really nice. I saw pictures of the Scheveningen Pier and the Kurhaus and the Scheveningen Lighthouse. Looks like a really fun place. I never realized the Hague is on the Ocean (De Zee). I studied Holland in my geography class in primary school, but I have forgotten a lot of what I used to know. Thanks for all the info on the TV cameras. It must be cool to work with such great equipment. Your co-worker did a great job in creating that "big" picture of you. I didn't do too much today. I went to the library to pick up a few books, then I did some review work on a math topic that I have to help a student with tomorrow - it's one I haven't work on for a while ("conic sections"), so I wanted to review it so I can (hopefully) help him with his homework and answer all his questions. I have 3 students to tutor on Sunday - wow!! I hope I am not in "over my head" (too deep). So that was my Saturday and my plans for Sunday - it's not nearly as exciting as it sounds - ha-ha. I know it doesn't sound exciting at all!! Today, I would have rather gone with you and Kyra to "de zee" - that sounds like much more fun. I hope you have a relaxing time on Sunday, but don't get yourself too tired while you are relaxing (do I have that correct?) Give Kyra a hug from me. By the way, is my English writing clear to you? I am trying to not use complicated phrases and slang and weird works and strange abbreviations. Have a great day. Doei!! Your Boston cheez-pal, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 4, 2011 at 10:07 PM

Hi Pammy!! Sorry to hear that work wasn't exciting today. But at least the weekend is here. Your weather sounds similar to what our weather is right now. I like your new profile pic (I also really liked your previous pic) How did you get your picture on the entire side of a building? Is that one of those photography things that you camera people just know? You like good 3 floors high!! So when you say midget golf, I think we might call it miniature golf (if it's the same thing) That's always fun to do. And it sounds like Kyra is in for a great day, playing on the beach. When you say "beach", do you mean the ocean (the North Sea)? I never went towards the coast when when I was in Holland. Do you use a different camera when you shoot indoors and outdoors? What kind of a zoom lens is on it? It is a 10x zoom? Or higher zoom ratio? When you shoot outdoors, do you record onto a digital storage system or a digital tape? I don't know very much about TV cameras. I do know the name of one brand of TV camera - Ikegami. Is that what you use? Is everything televised in "HD" now on your TV station? I hope you and Kyra have a lot of fun on Saturday. Send me a message and tell me all about it. Stay warm. Doei!! Your cheez-buddy, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 4, 2011 at 12:55 PM

Goedenavond, Pammie!! Ik ben Len!! Ik hoop dat je weer goed. I'm glad you liked my using the word "doei" - I thought I should try to write a little bit in Dutch since our messages have been all in English. I am trying NOT to use weird words or phrases in English, though your command of English is excellent! Thanks for the link to your LOL. It's very funny. Congratulations again. I hope you have many more FP's. How was work? Was it indoors and warm? I bet Kyra and the kittehs missed you. Did you "shoot" anything interesting or fun today? I hope you feel rested after your work day. Anything exciting or interesting planned for the weekend? The weather wasn't too bad today - sunny and +4 to +5 C. Still a LOT of snow around. But the walks and roads have been clear for a while. And I am hearing birds in the morning and later afternoon. Was it nice weather today in Amsterdam? So you have a good evening. Doei!! Your American-pal, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 3, 2011 at 6:01 PM

Hey Pam, congratulations on making the Front Page. It's very exciting when it happens the first time. I hope you have many more FP's. I looked for your FP but I could not find it. I looked for an After Dark page and only found "MemeBase After Dark". Is that the webpage it was on? I think I might be incorrect. Send me a link to it. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your laptop. That stinks. I thought you would feel all rested after your off day. It's "interesting" that it made you tired. Have a good day at work on Friday. I'm glad you'll be indoors where it will be warmer. So, take care. Doei!! --Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 3, 2011 at 9:49 AM

BTW, if you have a nice picture of Kyra (or the kittehs), maybe you could add it to your Pics page on this website (but not today - you have to rest). Just an idea I had.

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By Len314159 on Mar 3, 2011 at 8:59 AM

That' really neat that you are a camera person for Dutch TV. And I guess Kyra works for them also (ha-ha)!! I hope it wasn't too cold yesterday for you. It sounds like Kyra had fun, especially if there was ice around. Do you think the cats are a little envious because they don't get to go to work with you? Well, maybe they understand that it might be too cold for them. I will definitely help you with trigonometry or geometry or whatever if you need some assistance with a difficult camera angle. That would be really cool; just let me know. So have Justin Beiber or Madonna been to your TV station? Or Avril Lavigne? Have you met the Queen? Looking at her picture, I'm guessing that she is a very nice person. Well, I hope you have a relaxing day. Doing nothing sounds like a good plan for today. If you would like some practice problems in geometry or trig, just let me know!! Take care. Your cheez-pal, Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 1, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Hey Pam!! Your job sounds really cool (no pun intended regarding the cold weather on Tuesday). Is the job involved with television or websites or documentaries? Whatever it is, it sounds interesting. That's great that you liked math (I'm a math tutor). If you ever want to talk algebra or geometry or trig, just let me know!! We have skating on natural ice here too. People skate on many ponds and lakes. There are also many rinks with man-made ice. They are not too many speed-skating tracks around where I am (Boston, Massachusetts). There are some tracks in the upper Midwest, in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota. Hockey is very popular around here, even with kids aged 7 or 8 - I think their hockey equipment weighs more than they do. That's really cool that Kyra likes the ice. I can understand that the cats don't. When I was in Amsterdam, I road the trains (trams?) in the city - they were very nice, modern, and ran frequently. Is your work outside again on Wednesday? I hope you have an interesting and not-too-cold day. --Len

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By Len314159 on Mar 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM

Hey Pam!! Hope you are having a good Tuesday. Did you and Kyra have a couple of nice walks today? What's the weather like there? Is it still winter weather or are the first signs of Spring showing? Regarding the U.S. TV series that you first mentioned, I have seen a little of True Blood, but I have not heard of Sons of Anarchy. So, when you were in school, did you have a favorite subject (class) or several of them? I liked science and math, but I wasn't too crazy about history and english. French was OK. I like history a lot more now and I watch a lot of programs on the History Channel. I read quite a few books now, but not like the ones we had read in english and literature class. Do you go ice skating? Talk to you later. --Len

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By Len314159 on Feb 28, 2011 at 8:33 AM

PS: I sent you a "Ironic Mustache" collectible to complete your Hipster Kitty set.

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By Len314159 on Feb 28, 2011 at 8:31 AM

Hi Pam!! Happy Monday. How are you doing? It's late morning here in the Boston area, so I think it's late afternoon where you are. I didn't realize Holland got a lot of snow. I'm glad it's OK if I ask you a lot of questions - I am always interested to talk to people in other countries and learn about things in other places. BTW, should I call your country "Holland" or the "Netherlands"? What is the official name in Dutch? I guess it's sort of the same thing with the names "America" and "United States". I took French in High School. When I seen the Dutch language in a book or newspaper or magazine, it seems it would be hard to learn. Did you find English hard to learn, or not so hard, or even easy. Other people have said that English is difficult to learn as a second language. Do you get the American TV programs "House MD" or "Big bang Theory"? Those are my two favorite TV programs. Can you access the Internet from work? How long is your commute to work, time-wise? Do you have to walk Kyra when you get home? Well, maybe that's enough questions for one message. I hope you are having a good day. TTYS, Len

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By Len314159 on Feb 27, 2011 at 8:28 PM

It's nice that Kyra and the cats snuggle together. Does Amsterdam become cold enough in the winter to have snow? Do you get TV shows from the U.S. on your television? BTW, your English is terrific. Did you study it in school?

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By Len314159 on Feb 27, 2011 at 8:33 AM

I always cheer for the Dutch teams in the speed-skating events at the Winter Olympics. You have quite a few animals. Does Kyra get along with the cats? I like the name "Gizmo". Many years ago, I visited Amsterdam. It was a very nice city, with lots to see, and the people were very friendly.

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By Len314159 on Feb 24, 2011 at 8:55 PM

I was going to send you a collectible, but I don't have any extras of the ones that you need.

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By Len314159 on Feb 24, 2011 at 8:49 PM

Hi, thanks for friending me. You have some funny LOLs. -- Len

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By Fauxpaws on Feb 16, 2011 at 5:21 AM

Thanks for the Troll collectible! It completed my set! Yay! Wish I had something to send you! =(

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