
15+ Breathtaking Keanu Reeves Memes & Reasons Why He's Awesome

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    Keanu still mostly does all of his own stunts

    Photo caption - That guy in the background looks just like Keanu Reeves.. This is what happens when there's a glitch in the Matrix

    In a 2019 interview with Today's Willie Geist on the filming of John Wick 3, Keanu said, "I do all of the action. I'm 90% of what's happening there. I'm maintaining the connection to the audience, and with the story. If it's wacky/crazy stuff, you're just like, 'Oh my god, what did I just see?'"

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    Dog - the characters keanu reeves plays keanu reeves
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    Face - Randolph Gregory 1 hr · 6 I have been working as a janitor for the past 7 years wiping the floor every day and breaking my back to feed my family until i met Keanu Reeves 5 days ago at the restaurant where i work in St. Louis and now i'm a shop owner thanks to him
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    Keanu respects fans

    Facial expression - Kemoy Lindsay @KemziLinzi Lol Keanu ain't taking no chances. Sup John Wia hrsoman

    Keanu Reeves is always happy to take pictures with fans, but he never lays a hand on anyone (especially women) out of respect. We love a considerate king.

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    Photo caption - Keanu Reeves states he is atheist religous people: he goes to hell for that god:
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    Keanu Reeves, an intellectual

    Product - Keanu Reeves running away with a camera he stole from a Paparazzi

    He's tall, dark, and handsome…and he reads. In his Reddit AMA from 8 years ago, Reeves listed some of his favorite books, including Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Idiot, Notes from Underground, and The Brothers Karamazov, Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time, and Don Delillo's Cosmopolis.

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    Text - Rahul Kohli O @RahulKohli13 Iwill never love my future wife, future children, pets or grandchildren more than I love Keanu Reeves..and they will have to live with that knowledge.
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    He's immortal

    Facial expression - Keanu Reeves is the chosen one to be immortal IND HE LING OTOR AV 2008 2014 3052

    Have you noticed that Keanu Reeves doesn't age? So have we.

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    Text - Keanu Reeves O @KeanuReeves be kind to animals, or i'll kill you
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    Text - keanu doing things @keanuthings keanu reeves drinking a corona & having an existential crisis
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    Keanu is a rockstar

    Text - Doctor: take a deep breath Me: ok My brain: you're breathtaking

    Not only was he a bassist for Dogstar in the early 90s, he plays the bass with his right hand even though he's a lefty. Can you say badass?

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    Photo caption - Keanu Reeves Admits He's A Lonely Guy Keanu Reeves Admits He's A Lonely Guy By: Emily Brow. The internet at Keanu
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    Keanu is a cool breeze

    Text - Keanu Reeves looking through reddit I do believe they think I am some kind of god

    "Keanu" is literally the Hawaiian word for "cool breeze." Very fitting. 

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    Jeans - SON EPA INIVES TEREE-S Keanu Comes Back Keanu Reeves stevethesilent: I must be tired I can't stop laughing
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    Text - Phillips Rodriguez 3 hrs Today Keanu Reeves pulled up at my place of work so we started talking then I mentioned that my son needed a Kidney Transplant surgery and I couldn't afford it at that moment he stood silent for a few minutes then went to his car and came back and gave me this envelope full of money ALY OOD 663824
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    He's not just in it for the money

    Street fashion - Keanu Reeves My heart Me

    Keanu Reeves has a history of deferring his own salary so that producers could afford other actors.


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