
This Part Of The Ocean Floor Is Bubbling Like A SodaStream

  • gif underwater diver hands in front ocean floor Font - TEXAS Geosciences The telversity Ten Atin Jkn Sh Ce 48. 0 m 27 'C

    Two hundred feet below the waves off the coast of the Philippines, streams of bubbles are being pushed out of the sandy ocean floor. The bubbles are made of carbon dioxide, but for once, it's not humans' fault. This area is called Soda Springs, and it's fizz comes from a geological source. 

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  • gif diver under ocean bubbles ocean floor - TEXAS Geosciences The Linvery TeasAutia 51.7 m 27 C

    Soda Springs is caused by a nearby volcano, which is venting through cracks in the ocean floor. It sits right next to a coral reef system that is thriving with life, so the scientists don't think the carbon dioxide coming from the bubbles is causing the marine life any harm. However, this is the highest concentration of carbon dioxide ever found in nature. 

  • gif diver swimming through streams of bubbles from ocean floor Water - TEXAS Geosciences The Shv Te Autin n Sho Geen 53.9 m 27 C

    Although carbon dioxide is generally harmful for living things, Soda Springs could have been bubbling for thousands of years, forcing the marine life around it to adapt to higher levels of carbon dioxide. Stay tuned for more news about this study. 


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