Look at your cat. Isn't your cat so cute and adorable and precious and innocent and purrfect? No. Do not fall for their irresistible cuteness. You must remember the truth. You must remember that beneath the fluffiness and big eyes of every cat exists… a criminal. You must remember the stories of the cat thieves stealing food right off their owners' plates right under their noses, and the stories of the criminal cats who sit in all of the places they're not allowed to sit while looking straight into your eyes with zero shame, and the well-known story of the cat who was on the run after stealing 3 sausages from a store. Yes, 3. The horror.
And you must remember this story that you're about to see today - of the criminal cat who, even though he knows he's not allowed into this cafe, keeps coming in and keeps forcing the owner to apprehend him. Over and over and over.