Winnie the Pooh Is Not Completely Fictional: TikToker Shows That Bears Actually Do Love Honey


Bears are the kind of animals we must presume are very misunderstood. And we say that mostly because we don't know a whole lot about them other than through cartoons and wilderness kits.


Oh, and we all also had that stuffed bear growing up that has been with us through it all.


So, what is there to say about bears? What can we possibly learn about their personalities?


Well, TikToker Ty has an entire account dedicated to showing his life taking care of some pretty unique animals. His witty username is @ty_among_animals.


Seriously,  it was hard for us to believe how close he was with some of these animals, he's truly living a lot of our childhood dreams, isn't he?


He frequently makes videos with bears, and they seem to gain a lot of traction. He's also super responsive to his followers and posts a lot of videos responding to their questions.


The major video we wanted to share today is one where he responded to the very valid question that is, “Do bears really like honey?”


It's a question that makes a whole lot of sense considering there are many cartoons that make it seem as though certain animals love certain foods but in reality, they don't (Cough cough, Tom & Jerry, cough cough).


But Ty gives us a full answer here.


Ty's Response to “Do Bears Like Honey?”


So, there we have it. They do love honey and everything else you can basically find inside a hive. It seems that they are just hungry hungry creatures. More relatable than you may have thought.


Ty has a lot of more very cute bear content, so we figured we should share that with you here as well. You're already here, so why not?


Ty and a cutie Bear


Ty's response to “What do bears smell like?”


Ty's PSA


So yes, not all of us can have Ty's special relationship with wild creatures, but we sure can dream!


Is anyone else craving honey right about now?


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