Are we crazy? Or is “normal” no longer applicable to the average person?
Let’s be honest, at this point, we’ve all got a little mental distress that would be nice to have identified. Nowadays, mental health has become forefronted and made more important to address in a non-judgemental and non-taboo way. Maybe we could even relate to some people who have more advanced issues that they live with on a daily basis that could help ease the struggle of the world.
Meet Anna Caroline, a TikToker who makes hilarious videos about life, growing up, and living with OCD. Because not everyone knows the nuances of OCD, Anna’s page is illuminating in a lighthearted and approachable way.
If you’ve never known someone who had OCD, it would be pretty easy to misunderstand it. Most people think of OCD and they imagine flipping light switches on and off before leaving a room or straightening books on the shelf like Monk, but Anna shows that it’s a little more complicated than that.
Omg you have ocd? You must be so organized.
Anna has made a series of videos depicting the actualities of living with OCD while also managing expectations of her audience. Her videos help improve public understanding of mental disorders and through the accessibility of social media, offers a personal glimpse into Anna’s struggles.
Brush your teeth
OCD isn’t the only thing Anna talks about in her videos. She also leads a very normal life: she walks her dog, advocates LGBTQ+ rights, and spends time with her family. Anna’s profile is one of many reasons that young generations today are able to digest mental health, address their own problems, and make light of things that are difficult to understand.
Where's mom?
The world seems to have been in perpetual collapse for the last several decades. Maybe that’s why everyone’s become okay with societal unraveling and mental collapse. As a result, young generations are seemingly more and more blase about things, giving less weight to big problems and sussing out the shrinking reality of their over-expansive world.
In fact, watching Anna’s videos makes it seem like everybody has a few OCD moments in their life and maybe we’re all a bit nutty. Who cares if the world is collapsing around us, at least the young generations have a grip on a few important things.
Gen Z sure has one thing dialed in that the Boomers never understood.
It’s okay not to be okay.