I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Security Guard Cat: Newest Hospital Employee

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    That's exactly what happened at Epworth Hospital in Richmond, Australia. The new security cat, Elwood, who has been casually visiting the hospital for around a year, entirely out of the blue, showed up with a security guard badge. Chantel Trollip, a pathologist at the hospital, was the one who discovered the all too realistic-looking badge on Elwood. "I was actually having a case of the 'sads' that day," Trollip told My Modern Met. "But seeing his ID badge turned my whole mood around."

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    Cat - ELWOOD Security ELWOOD Richmond Eworth

    The hospital has decided to keep the very unintimidating cat "employed," believing that his cuteness is its own weapon. As Trollip said: "I think any potential criminals are thwarted by his sweetness when passersby see him," and, "He has a very sweet chirp of a meow and I think anyone with any ill will would automatically change their plans upon hearing it, and so I assume this is his way of getting the job done." We tend to agree with her about this. Personally, we would definitely be thwarted, too preoccupied trying to pet the security cat to engage in any sort of criminal activity.

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    Cat - Epworth 32 Erin Street Epworth Centre Bethesda Wing EMERGENCY Epworth Rehabilitation Consulting Suis ELWOOD

    Quite predictably, Elwood has become one of the most popular hospital staff members, to the point that not only is he talked about constantly by staff members, "[e]ven the regular patients know him by name now."

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    Elwood has really taken to his new job too, embodying the attitude of a security guard perfectly. "He is lovely and friendly but not overly affectionate, he enjoys a good pat but likes to keep things short and move around a fair bit," explained Trollip. "He is on the security team after all, has to make sure everyone coming and going gets checked." With such glowing recommendations, we would sure hire him. 

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    Whiskers - fon ELWOOD Security Richmond Epworth
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    Mammal - et ELWOOD Security Epworth Richmond


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