I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Forty One Pound Chonk Cat Is Now Half As Chonky And Gets The Zoomies

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    The New York Post reports that Meredith Adams, Barsik's new mom, adopted him from the Anjellicle Cats shelter in Hell's Kitchen after seeing an NY Post story covering him. Back then, Barsik was so large and had such serious mobility issues that he needed a stroller to be carried around in. Today, after being put on a strict diet by his new momma, Barsik is a regular kitty who "does pretty much everything regular cats do — jumping around, at night he gets the zoomies."

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    Strangely, Jeanne Klafin, Barsik's veterinarian who was taking care of Barsik last year, found that in terms of health: "His blood work was actually perfect... It's very unusual. … Sadly, it's just a case of him being overfed and under-exercised." Though his bloodwork was fine back then as well, which is a wonderful thing, he is much more active now and truly seems to be happier overall, going as far as to become cuddlier, according to his owner. 

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    "They told me he would never be cuddly, but he can be cuddly sometimes," Meredith told the NY Post. "He really likes to be under the covers. If he is on the bed and I lay down next to him, he will start purring." They're still working on the weight loss with Barsik, trying to reach the goal set for him by his vets, and on top of that, fighting Barsik's food addiction and feisty attitude. We, of course, wish them all the luck in the world and hope to see many zoomie videos from Barsik as he gets even healthier!

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    Cat - NEW YORK POST Page Six. SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2019 / Warmer, 78/ Weather:R 25 ** LATE CITY FINAL nypost.com $1.25 Who ate all the tunat Meet Gotham's real fat cat - he's 40 Ibs. -
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