Very Cringey Stories Spun By Brazen Liars

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    Text - Official Flat Earth Discussion V New Member • 1d · O HOLY FULL MOON! I HAD A RANDOM GUY IN MY APARTMENT LAST NIGHT WHO WORKED FOR NASA AND SAYS YES THE EARTH IS FLAT AND THERE IS A DOME. HE SAID NASA IS NOTHING BUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS. KAPOW!!! (Yeah, then the conversation got weird.. really really weird... but very very interesting 9) S 151 79 Comments 4 Shares O Like Comment Share
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  • 02


    Text - 9:45 7 ... Lions can hunt and kill their own food by the time they're 3 months old. My 3-year-old couldn't find her lunch box, and it was in her other hand. I can't believe we're at the top of the food chain. Vote 2 Share Y BEST COMMENTSV 4-13 5m My 3 year old can hit a target at 20 meters with a .22 That's why we're at the top of the food chain. Reply
  • 03

    Pure cringe

    Text - What is your most embarrassing moment? Well Easy In full bus, I was listening to hardcore metal and started singing out loud with growls and scream and everything got applause from bunch of people tho
  • 04

    Our eyes are rolling out of our heads.

    Green - ... 4h · O Guys, this was inside the seam of a blue disposal mask my son was wearing! We can't remember where we picked the mask up from. I am absolutely not the type to latch onto a conspiracy theory, but wow mask mandate, or mandate monitoring?
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  • 05

    This has to be the plot of a Disney Channel movie.

    Text - In 8th grade, I had a crush on boy in my class. At some point, I found out my family was moving & I was going to switch schools. So, I wrote him a very long love letter. The day after I read it to him in front of my class, my parents decided I could keep going to the same school.
  • 06

    This is not only a stupid lie, but wholly irresponsible during a pandemic.

    Text - 5d Waitress: ice cream for the birthday girl but unfortunately we can't sing and such right now with covid that's okay! I'll take care of it! BF GF : oh please no... Waitress: BF Everybody!! Happy birthday N Proceeds to get the ENTIRE RESTAURANT Singing... Girl at the table behind us: Why can't I have a boyfriend like that... what did I do wrong in life... #spoildrotten ♥♥
  • 07
    Text - My mom friends is a SWAT and one day 520 my mom cant pick me up so the whole SWAT team came to my school and my classmates were like 16h Liked by creator 115 that's low-key cool tbh 12h 11 Yow why do i sense cap 10h
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  • 08
    Text - During class, Iwas writing a story, Teacher got mad and confiscated my hotebook. The next day he gave it back and said, When can you finish this? Ineed to knoW how this ends
  • 09

    Ah yes, the classic tale of being an Among Us celebrity.

    Text - Foday at 6:29 PM I just had the weirdest experience in Among Us. Today at 6:29 PM What happened? Today at 6:29 PM I went into a lobby and two people there already knew who I was even though I've never played with them before. They said that I had gained some kind of infamy on Among Us and they gave me compliments. One of them was even riding the line between a stan and a simp. I think my unorthodox methods of gameplay and news of my big brain spread across the community and l accidentally
  • 10

    Imagine making up this story to sound cool on the internet.

    Text - What was the most satisfying display of instant karma you have ever seen? My older sister, my daughter, and I stopped at a Denny's for breakfast. They had a claw machine there. My daughter, age 7, was so excited. We gave her two quarters to play and just as she went up, two college aged jerks cut her off and deliberately rushed up to it. My daughter had seen a stuffed bumblebee in there and had said she was going to get it. Those two jerks spent $10 trying to get it until they gave up. My
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  • 11

    Ah yes, the classic hidden British accent.

    Text - S TikTok i was buying groceries and i ran into a girl my age and i spilled my stuff so she helped me pick up my stuff and i apoligized but i slipped into my british accent and i was so embaresd until when i said thank u and goodbye she said "your welcome daddy" went completly red and ran away
  • 12
    Text - : 03 Jul Saw a kid try multiple times to swipe a magazine like an iPad and I guess this is what it's like to feel old 766 27 5,641 O 67.6K S 03 Jul v r/thathappened ili
  • 13

    The only people who deserve a slow clap at Target are their overworked employees.

    Text - I've never heard that strangely and last weekend I alone was in charge of my 2 kids and their 3 cousins all under 7 years old. Everyone at Target was just impressed they were all well behaved. They started a slow clap for me as I walked through the frozen food isle. Reply 6h O r/thathappened 1 4 5h
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  • 14

    Sounds like woman still needs to get over her ex.

    Text - For the first time in 5years, I bumped into my EX at shoprite today. he asked me a question that shocked me "Miss or Mrs" I replied "DR", he dragged me to a corner and started crying. 16:13 · 17/11/2020 · Twitter for iPhone 638 Retweets 991 Quote Tweets 4,379 Likes
  • 15

    This reference within a lie is so freaking dated.

    Text - Follow Story time: The day is Saturday morning in a Starbucks filled with half asleep teenagers and nobody else. It's only about ten people. I order my coffee and for the sheer impulse of it, I placed my name in as "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" The woman looks at me like I'm a sociopath, but writes it down anyways. A few minutes go by, and I get my name called. Once she says my 'name', about five seconds later the enTIRE STARBUCKS JUST SCREAMS "ALL" 99 except for one person o
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    Text - 17h ago 10:19 AM ( Notes July 28, 2018 at 10:18 AM I went to a church camp this summer and the pastor told us a story: His daughter was driving home one day and she felt that God was telling her to do a headstand by the pop machine at a gas station. Of course she didn't want to because it was just so random and she would feel way to uncomfortable to do that. She kept pushing it away and God kept pursuing her. Finally she gave in and drove to the gas station. She walked in and there was on
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  • 17

    This person REALLY wants to be Japanese.

    Text - There is something about working at a Japanese bakery / tea place that always confuses me / cracks me up every time I think about it and it's people being very confused about my ethnicity. "Still not", I answer "Chinese maybe?" Example: I explain some of our products to a very sweet old men, after answering his questions and chatting with me for a bit he "No Sir, I'm simply French. My dad has almond shaped eyes but we haven't figured out where it's from as of yet ". Lmao the poor grandpa
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    Somehow this "incident" just doesn't ring true.

    Text - 8h O Just had an incident yesterday at sams club. The employee checking receipts at the door screams at me that I should not be in the store without a a mask and that I should SHOP ON LINE, like I am a second class citizen because I won't war a mask. I got the manager made this woman apologize to me in front of a line. Therefore I will continue to shop at Sams, but i was prepared to hand in my card. And anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Sams
  • 19

    Hope she sees this, bro.

    Text - When you get a lyft ride Pop up on the app the GUY and your ex GF jumps in. Then she apologizes and talks about the good times you had and you can hear the dude huffing and puffing and breathing hard cause he mad .. VERY AKWARD ... Secondly I sit there LAUGHING O when they get out cause I don't play Second Fiddle in the Orchestra and I don't go back. As I drive off they start fighting. Just like WOW!! O Like Share 1
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    Text - 4d Had to run to Wumart today and saw about 8-10 people WITHOUT MUZZLES! We greeted each other with smiles and twinkle in our eyes that clearly said, "We're not sheep." 2 Comments Seen by 46 O Like A Share
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    This tall tale is like an onion. It has many layers.

    Text - I just walked into kfc and was social distancing when the manager came up to me and said how nice my ass is. I told him to leave me alone and that people like him are the cause of corona virus and the riots. Everyone started cheering for me and clapping, guess who starts as kfc manager tomorrow O Send message
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    The piece de resistance.

    Text - Hand - Me: DONT talk about her that way Him: Yeah I've been cheating on that b months for Me: You don't deserve her! She deserves a nice guy like me! That won't disrespect her at every turn Him: what're you gonna do? Be her knight in shining armor I knelt down and punched the concrete, blood gushing out my knuckles I showed him my hand and said “this concrete won't break but your bones will you peice of s Chad He started crying and ran away! say I got the girl, every time l see that Chad


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