I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Dads Falling In Love With Pets They Didn't Want

  • 1

    "“I dont want anything to do with your dog” proceeded to buy a bike with a basket"

    Clothing - U12 XFE Royal Mai

    you must not question it. Don't ruin the moment. Let him believe that you believe him. That is the only way to make sure that this bike trip continues - without shame and without arguments, and you know that there is nothing more wholesome and adorable that you want to see today than this trip coming to fruition . And many more trips like these later. 

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  • 2

    "My dad never passes Oliver without kissing his head, made sure his stocking was piled high this Christmas, proudly refers to himself as, “Grandpa” and cried the first time we left Oliver alone for three days."

    Forehead - me
  • 3

    "Begged my husband for months to let me get a dog, he reluctantly let us get her because “she really seems to like you”."


    Of course. You must not question this line either. The moment is fragile. Allow him to believe that the only reason that pup is sitting on his lap is because the pup really seems to like you, not him, never him. Shhh… Just let it happen, let him live his dream.

  • 4

    "My husband went from "I hate dogs" to sleeping together in front of the fire place"

    Vision care
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  • 5

    ""Dumb dog." - my dad, moments before this"

    Comfort - SCTY C-lah NICE
  • 6

    '"i don't like cats and cats don't like me"'


    This was, of course, said before this dad got a cat. Since it is a known fact that the only people who don't like cats and think cats don't like them back are people who have never properly spent time in the company of a cat. Really, should have seen this one coming. No one can withstand a cute kitty belly. 

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  • 7

    "Y’all may remember my post about my dad and our foster kittens from a few months ago....we ended up keeping them! I think he loves them."

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  • 8

    "He use to say he wasn't a cat person and how he didn't want a cat, but here he is playing doom external with a 3 legged cat on his shoulder"

  • 9

    "Forgot about these Christmas pics of my (step)dad and his grandkitty"

  • 10

    "For years: “I don’t want a big hairy dog” Now: “he’s my best good boy”"

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  • 11

    "As you can see they became fast friends."

    Cat - OLE NICK
  • 12

    "My dad said he hated Scooter and “only tolerated him” for my stepmom. They would nap like this all the time"

  • 13

    "Said dogs were too much work and never wanted one."

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  • 14

    "Dad: " I don't want a bird". Also dad a few minutes later -"

  • 15

    "2 years ago, my dad swore he didn't want a dog in the house. Now, he shares his cereal with her every morning."

    Table - DE
  • 16

    "“But Puppies are so needy!” Said the dude dying for her attention"

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  • 17

    'I had to fight and cry so much for this fuzzy traitor and now look at them"

  • 18

    '"No, we shouldn’t get cats, they lose too much hair!"'

  • 19

    '"We don't need another cat" to "Come here baby"'

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  • 20

    "Before: "Dogs are not meant to be on furniture". Now:"


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