Okay, so allow us to get cat-sappy for a second. We love how much cats inspire people. You would think that wouldn't be the case, it seems that not many other animals have that effect. We think it's because a cat's love is earned, not just given, so being able to feel that love - both in this story and in real life - is something that is not only immensely satisfying but also makes people know what it's like to work hard for someone's affection. Okay, cat-loving rant is over, back to our regularly scheduled funnies.
Honestly, I read it in the same way too, but it did not make it weird at all. I was simply imagining that these are people trying to get the affection of the villain in the story - who happens to be an all powerful woman... who is also a cat. And being that she is a cat, we felt exactly zero confusion over her world dominance, since we all know that's what cats would do if they weren't adorable little fluffballs.
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