Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but it can get you a lot of flashy consumer goods. That's basically the same thing, right? The uber-rich can afford pretty much anything they desire, so when it gets revealed that don't always live in luxury, it can be a little disappointing. Sure, it may be down to personal choice, but if you want to make that kind of money in the first place it makes sense that you want the lifestyle to match.
The latest instance of this issue sparking debate has come from Richard Branson, who recently shared a photo of himself and Elon Musk in his kitchen before the flight of his Unity 22 spacecraft. The image was picked up by @preachyspice on Twitter, who was more focused on the background details than the trip he was about to make. According to her, it was his kitchen that needed all the attention, as she trashed his "googly eyed finishings". Numerous people agreed with her, although some also argued that his lack of concern for interior design was simply part of the formula for becoming financially successful.
Musk himself chipped in to say that Branson was only renting the property, and therefore the design choices were not his personal responsibility. Even then, you might think that he would choose a place with a little more panache. Then we could focus on the real problem: having to see Elon Musk's feet.