Everybody has their own hygienic routine, and it's not really fair to judge someone's just because it doesn't match your own. Obviously there are minimal standards, but then again, not everyone has the same access to hygienic facilities so it's probably best to not assume anything. This works vice versa as well, people who take hour-long showers should really consider their water usage. What are they doing in there for a whole hour anyway? Like we said, it's not good to judge, but It's hard not to get suspicious when someone could easily spend a good portion of their day in the restroom.
It was Reddit user u/Alabama103 who asked the 'Am I The A-Hole' community if they were in the wrong for leaving the restaurant she and her husband her at and going home. Seems like an odd situation, but luckily there is much more to the story.
Before diving in, the OP provides some much-needed backstory. Apparently, this whole 'hour-long bathroom retreat' situation is new. We have all heard of parents using the bathroom as a way to get a break from their children, but in a marriage, it's a little more suspicious.
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