I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Try Not To Snort With Laughter At These Porky Pig Memes And Tweets

  • 1
    Vertebrate - Friends: We should do something today Me: Sorry, I have plans My plans:

    Who else ends up falling asleep just like this pig at the end of a super long week? It's just difficult to balance everything at the same time. This awwdorable giant pig taking a nap definitely knows what we're talking about. Good on you pig for taking time for self care!

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  • 2
    Building - Me watching my food heat up in the microwave.

    Ahhh, this makes us think about when you're hungry and preparing a midnight snack. Who else has ever gotten impatient when they're preparing snacks in their microwave? It's 2021 people! Time for our microwaves to get a little more speedy at preparing our food, who's with us on this one?

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    Product - Dr Katie Hunt @KatieBMHunt Me using pre-lockdown photos for online dating: GLASGOW LIVE • 5-MIN READ 20 stone pig lives in 3-bedroom house after being sold as a micropig
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    Dog breed - When you did nothing all day and you don't feel bad about it
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    Organism - When you told him he doesn't need a six pack and he can eat whatever he wants and now he's too fat to cheat
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    Cabinetry - This Couple Thought They Adopted A Mini- Pig, But It Grew to 670 Pounds
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    Organism - DORIAN SCAR @dorianscary bröther may i have some öats
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    Vertebrate - *mad af at my boyfriend and not speaking to him* him: so... want something to eat? me:
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    Head - me, cautiously taking my first steps into the world after quarantine is over
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    Gesture - Me: I'll go but I'm only having like one or two drinks max Me 3 hours later: IG: @the_meredith
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    Natural environment - When you're three plates deep on Thanksgiving and Grandma says "Smile for the camera handsome!"

    Can't get enough of ICanHasCheezburger? Then you're in luck because we're now on Instagram!  


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