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'Novembpurr' Cat Doodles To Brighten Up The Cold Days

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    Here at I Can Has Cheezburger we love cats, and we also love plants, so this is an incredible combination of all of our favorite things. Such a cute kitty cat posing with his little watering can over the potted plant. It's also important to give kudos to this amazing artist who created this doodle and colored it also so spectacularly. We love getting to see all of the talent in the Twitter art world this #Novembpurr.

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    Awww, the theme for this doodle was scary, and we are aww-bsolutely not scared, but we are dazzled by this artist's incredible artistic abilities. You can really feel the personality of this awwdorable kitty while you look at this photo. Such a cute little black cat serving us void vibes from underneath his wittle blanket. Great job @irmirx, you really nailed this doodle!

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