I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Woman Seeks Advice On How To Deal With Family Members Who Say 'Why Waste So Much Money, It’s Just A Dog'

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    Hair - Posted by u/sciencemint 1 day ago Please help! I need advice on how to deal with family members who say “why waste so much money when it's just a dog," 99
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    Font - My 11 year old Dachshund/Jack Russel mix- Banjo- has recently been diagnosed with skin cancer. He is booked in on Thursday to have three lumps removed from his ear, chest, and belly. I am really stressed as he has had a lump removed on his ear two years ago and it came back from pathology as malignant.

    First of all, we can only imagine how stressful this situation must be. Health scares are called that for a reason, they're scary. And when this happens people need as much support as they can get, not unsupportive and blatantly rude family members. 

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    Font - Although my partner and I will be covering the costs of the operation - which are going to be quite high- my family has been saying very hurtful things about it. "Why waste all that money a dog". "Vets are scam artists who push bills up." "It's just a dog." "Just let him die the natural way."

    The jealousy here is oozing. How about you guys stop relying on OP's kindness and get your financial situation together. Sometimes you've got to put on your big girl pants and get sh*t done.

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    Font - I find these comments very hurtful and insensitive to the point where I had to cut a lunch short today. I have tried to explain to them that this dog is like a child to me who has been with me through my worst times (when I was depressed and suicidal) but they just laugh at this.
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    Font - I know that some of my family members are struggling with money (mostly due to their own bad financial planning) and I always try and help them where I can, but they are making me out to be very selfish, and are implying that I should just give the money to them instead.
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    Rectangle - Has anyone dealt with anything similar? I am really upset about this whole thing as well as stressed for Banjo and his op.
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    Font - 3Heathens_Mom · 1 day ago If you read posts in this and other subs you will find a common theme on some which is how other people love/feel entitled to tell you how you should spend your money. Especially if they are the ones who are asking for it. So short answer is it is your money and you spend how YOU see fit. And a suggestion to not speak about your pets to these people as is a waste of your time. You make a commitment when you take on a pet to do the best your can for them. So good
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    Font - IOnlyUseTheCommWheel · 16 hr. ago I just wanted to tell you that in a choice between me having a stack of money in my bank account and having my doggos around, I choose my doggo. I can always replace money. If I didn't and my doggo died I'd think constantly "but what if that treatment could have saved him? Why did I choose that instead of him?" People are judgemental based on their own experiences. I feel like people who say "it's just a dog" don't really connect with their animals as muc
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    Font - jrebney · 17 hr. ago That's the beauty of money, you can spend it however you see fit and don't have to justify it to anyone :) just focus on positive vibes for your dog and count yourself lucky that you can afford the surgery. People complain about spending money on dogs and then go and spend it on a bigger TV or shoes or some nonsense like that, I wouldn't even give them a second thought. you and
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    Font - waywithwords ·1 day ago Brat (Boston Rat terrier mix) and Foxhound Although I haven't experienced this myself, my advice would be to stop telling your family anything about your dog's care. They are not the entitled to the info or required to be in the loop. You do what you need to do for your dog. If they ask, give them extremely general responses like "he's doing better" or " he's being cared for". That's it. Don't explain. Don't rationalize. Don't try to get them to understand. It will
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    Font - 3TipsyCoachman3 · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago 8 Champion Freya Don't talk to them about the dog, its care, or the cost of its care. If they ask, then tell them it's not a topic you want to talk about. If they start cracking off with their opinion then stop them and say you are not looking for input at this time. If they continue, leave. Repeat as necessary. Problem solved.

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