Is It Ok To Adopt A Cat If Your Parents Are Allergic: Internet Weighs In

  • 01
    Font - AITA for considering adopting a cat even though my mom's allergic?
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  • 02
    Font - I am in my mid-30's. I've wanted a cat all my life, but my mom is allergic. I don't live in the same house as my mom, but she does live in the same neighborhood and visits often (3-4 times per week).
  • 03
    Font - Tonight I made an offhand comment that after my 14-year-old dog is gone, I may adopt a cat. My dad told me I couldn't do that since my mom is allergic, and I should wait until after my mom has passed to adopt a cat.
  • 04
    Mammal - AITA for not wanting to wait decades more to adopt a cat out of consideration for someone who doesn't even live in my household?
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  • 05
    Font - CrazyBoPeep NTA Get a cat. Don't let people who don't even live with you dictate what you can and can't do in your own home. Your mom can take allergy meds or just avoid the cats or both.
  • 06
    Font - SimplySam4210 NTA Your mom doesn't live there. Are her friends also not getting cats because of her allergy?
  • 07
    Font - Enough-Towel-2834 If the allergy is severe... YTA. If the allergy is moderate... YTA If mild, I think you're NTA but understand it may affect your relationship a bit. People have varying levels of allergic ranging from mild scratchy throat to a sniffle or full blown hives and clogged head for days. Unfortunately allergies can get worse with time and exposure.
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  • 08
    Font - ThrowRAavocado OP Yeah, I'd have to see if even having cat hair on my clothes would affect her. If it would be that bad, I wouldn't want a cat in my house. She has neighbors who have two cats and can visit them, but apparently those cats are some kind of anomaly that don't trigger her allergies. They're not even hairless, they're Persian cats.
  • 09
    Font - Kim8mi NTA - You do what you want in your house. Getting a cat means your mom won't be able to visit, and it's understandable that se may get upset, but if your willing to do so and decide for that, they have no say in it. Alas you can still visit your mother instead of her going to your house.
  • 10
    Font - Dan300up YTA if you would that easily forfeit visiting your mother. She obviously won't be able to visit you, and depending on the severity of her allergy, you might not be able to visit her either. CB
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  • 11
    Font - honey-smile NAH. If you want a cat, and value that companionship more than your mother's, get a cat. But understand that you will likely be giving up part of your relationship with your mom. Depending on how allergic she is, she may be unable to come visit, or even have you over. Unfortunately, with cat allergies it often doesn't work to just pop an antihistamine, avoid touching your eyes, and/or put the cat in another room. My SO is very allergic, and we can't even have people who own ca
  • 12
    Font - LawGrad001 INFO: how allergic is your mom and how positive is your relationship? I'm not talking about how often you see eachother because that doesn't necessarily correlate to a positive or negative relationship. My mom is severely allergic to cats and we have a really positive relationship. If I got a cat- she wouldn't be able to come over to my house at all and I'd really need to be super super careful around her which would probably limit our time together because we wouldn't have the


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