
We Don't Need A Groundhog To Welcome Spring: We Have Steve Buscemi

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     "Normally he looks like he wants to microwave a bucket of hamsters, but this is nice." U/LyssaComeau

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    "I'm so happy to see these comments!!! People always make fun of me when I tell them my celebrity crush is Steve Buscemi." U/MaraSeresa

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    "Big Lad Buscemi with the drip. He looks like a more fly Mr. Rogers. " U/CiaraRoo

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    "Can I do a similar photoshoot? I love this. Is Steve Buschemi my new aesthetic? Maybe..." U/JadeAiona

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    Glasses - KU IT SHIN

    "When did Steve Buscemi get Tyler The Creator as his stylist?" U/AdamRobb

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    He looks like someone's single Aunty who's decided to become a freelance detective and cycles around the countryside with a small capybara in his bicycle basket. What a dude." U/GavinEdwinSharp

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    Glasses - Kith

    "I feel like Pete Davidson was behind this." - U/TraceManns

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