Hiss-terical Twitter Thread: Cats Refusing To Eat New Food Brands

  • 01
    Font - Tom Nichols ... @RadioFreeTom My wise wife just noted that the cat food shortage in the grocery stores is not actually a shortage of cat food, but a shortage of the food *cats happen to like", which is not only the most cat thing ever, but the very definition of a First World Problem.
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  • 02
    Font - cai @AnneNotation Replying to @RadioFreeTom My cat recently went through one of his inexplicably fussy phases. And his reward was 1 pound of Kirkland signature smoked salmon.
  • 03
    Font - Charles King @PundITInc Replying to @AnneNotation and @RadioFreeTom So cats are now in control of the supply chain. This will not end well...
  • 04
    Font - cai @AnneNotation Replying to @AnneNotation and @RadioFreeTom Me: you have loads of that other food that you really like? :I never said was going to like it today. (banshee noises commence)
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  • 05
    Font - Маx @аохaтахоа Replying to @RadioFreeTom truly incredible how cats decide "this is the food I eat" and even the slightest attempt to deviate means they'll refuse to touch it. An woe be the cat owner who has to change their food and spends a week trying new options
  • 06
    Rectangle - THEE donna - vaxxed and masked @dls954 Replying to @aoxamaxoa and @RadioFreeTom Worse are the ones who *love* *this* *food* until you buy it again and it's the nastiest stuff ever.
  • 07
    Font - Susan Mitchell @Suz9000 Replying to @dls954 @aoxamaxoa and @RadioFreeTom And the look you are given when you present them with what they view to be inedible.
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  • 08
    Font - Маx @аохатахоа Replying to @rpidrivestick and @RadioFreeTom We have 3 cats and have had spells where 1 of them gets sick once and we have to re-introduce them to their food, and times when we had to change it completely and it was a bunch of "I'm going to devour this and then refuse to eat it ever again"
  • 09
    Cat - Dawnmsh @Dawnmsh Replying to @aoxamaxoa and @RadioFreeTom My cat wants a variety, and there has to be something she will reject. If I eliminate the flavor she doesn't like, she will just start disliking one she previously liked.
  • 10
    Font - Julie Stanton @Seamuskitty Replying to @RadioFreeTom I am attempting to control what my cat eats by feeding her something different at every meal. And by feeding her whenever she asks for food. I think it's working. (No)
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  • 11
    Font - Susan Jo @sjabrahamson Replying to @RadioFreeTom Our cat *happens to like* mice and songbirds, but he gets processed food to save the natural world. Very first world.
  • 12
    Font - Forbestonow @forbestonow Replying to @RadioFreeTom 'a shortage of the food *cats happen to like*,' ... ...this week before deciding to refuse to eat it for 10 days and then suddenly want again.


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