So Many Levels of Shame
The shame… u/Twentyonehotdogs obviously didn't feel good about it, but eating their cheeseburger meal in the car seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I'm sure we've all had that thought before. Eat in the car, our pets don't realize they're missing out, it's a win-win- if you can still sleep at night. And, if you read to the end of this thread, you'll actually see that u/Twentyonehotdogs came to their senses and learned to share in the end!
Caught Red and Yellow Handed
This commenter really hit the nail on the nose when they pointed out that the dog definitely knows! A dog's sense of smell can be up to 40 times stronger than a human's, and the oily smell of fried fast-food can linger on fingers and clothes for hours. Point being, this dog knew what he was missing. Hopefully, though, he won't hold a grudge.
These Dogs Are Some Tough Critics…
What Kind of Cat Do You Have?
An Uninvited Dinner Guest
Mom?!?! How Could You!
Grandma!?!? You too?!?!
Introducing the Newest Dog Breed: Pizza Hound
Why, A Horse Of Course!
Plus, The Owner Came To His Senses In The End!
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