So, today, we bring you a YouTube classic. This tiny Flapjack Octopus took over all of social media back in 2015, stealing everyone's hearts. And for good reason. Going about its normal day, lying around on the ocean floor, this yellow creature suddenly encounters the the bright lights of the camera above it, and, flopping its little ears, it lifts its tentacles and hides itself.That, paired with the scientists' oh so scientific commentary of "awwwwww", no wonder this video went as viral as it did.
It gives us a rare glimpse not only into the fact that there are extremely cute creatures in the deep, dark, scary ocean but also into, as one of the scientists says after a round of cooing, "what scientists do when we're really excited, it's totally normal." YouTube users were really taken with this octopus too, commenting things like "I will call him Squishy, and he shall be my Squishy," "That's one of the cutest octupus I saw. I will name him Potchi", and "I just want to kiss his possibly non-existant forehead".
The iconic E/V Nautilus crew who filmed this video has taken many viral videos like this over the years, like the one about the purple googly-eyed octopus who looks so weird it looks like a toy, so check that one out too! We hope this dose of cute watery nostalgia makes you smile today!