Equestrian Out For A Joy Ride Takes Petty Revenge Against Jogger Running Alongside Off Leash Doggo

  • 01
    Font - Posted by u/SmokinWinder 2 months ago No leash while you're jogging? How about you go for a run.
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  • 02
    Font - I had a horse boarded in a community with lots of trails throughout the neighborhood green spaces. There were miles of trails to use, some people had houses that backed up to them and could just walk out their back gate and be on one. They were shared trails. Bicyclists, hikers and the horseback riders. Trail rules applied and not being fenced in areas, dogs were required to be leashed.
  • 03
    Font - One lovely day I had gone out for a trail ride. Just my horse and I. As I was coming up to where some houses were I noticed a lady come out her back gate with an unleashed dog. I don't really care, I'm not one to say something. If your dog behaves off leash, I don't see the big deal. I was ahead of them since they had to follow another path to get to trail I was on. They picked up a jog and passed by me.
  • 04
    Font - The trail went down a decently sloped hill, but at the bottom was a fairly straight and flat area for about a half mile. This is where I like to let my horse jog. I quickly caught up to up the jogger and her dog. It was a two track trail, kinda like if a vehicle was driven on it so plenty of room to pass. I called out and made my way around them. Which is when the well behaved off leash dog became less well behaved and starts chasing me on my horse.
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  • 05
    Font - Lucky for me, my horse likes dogs, isn't scared of them and couldn't care less we'd made a new friend. I hear the jogger calling to the dog but it's obvious from her repeated calls the dog isn't listening. When I said earlier I don't care if your off leash dog behaves, it's true. But the opposite is also true and it's bit of a pet peeve of mine (pardon the pun) when something of this nature happens and if rules had been followed it wouldn't have.
  • 06
    Font - Could I have stopped, let her catch her dog and made a remark about leash rules she surely knows about? Sure. But I wasn't in the mood. I was annoyed but at the same time enjoying my ride and then the petty kicked in. I'm just jogging along at this point but we have other gears. It's been awhile since we loped this section and it's a beautiful day. Cue to the canter and away we go! I didn't stop until the trail I wanted to take turned up the hog back again.
  • 07
    Art - I'm sure she caught up to her dog eventually, it wasn't with me when I slowed down. Maybe next time she'll think to have her dog on her leash, although I doubt it.
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  • 08
    Font - Notes: The trail was sandwiched between two very steep hog backs. There's nowhere the dog would go except after me or back to its owner. They're not the type of hills you just run up. The trail I took was a gradual climb to the top and was actually headed back the direction I'd come from, just going up. If the dog had still been with me, I wasn't going to lead it to other side, I would've waited for the owner.
  • 09
    Font - Also, at the time, it was revenge towards the owner. I was never mad at the dog for being a dog, to me it was a failure of the owner. The dog and my horse were both fine. In hindsight, the owner could have been and probably was upset with their dog. The only regret I have was that in the moment my being annoyed with the owner didn't leave me thinking about how they might treat their dog after such an event. I'm sure it was frustrating for them, but I can't say whether they took any of the
  • 10
    Font - inDface 2 mo. ago the lesson you gave her was innocuous and probably taught her more consideration than any lecture ever could.
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  • 11
    Font - Jezzmund 2 mo. ago If a dog isn't trained to be on a leash it's not trained to be off leash. And you have no obligation to change your behavior to accommodate an off leash dog. I'm 100% cool with what you did.
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    Font - obxtalldude 2 mo. ago . Love it. As the owner of two dogs that are both reactive to other dogs, I applaud your actions. Many a relaxing walk has been ruined by poor owners.
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    Font - xEvilAngel666x. 2 mo. ago I remember when I was younger and out with my dad walking the dogs when a man came in the opposite direction with his off leash dog. He had no control and this dog chased us for about 2 miles, with the owner running behind trying to get his dog. You see when he walked past us he stood still yelling for his dog for a good few minutes before he started to follow, and we walk pretty fast to make sure the dogs get good exercise. But the best part was when he eventual
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  • 14
    Font - Bahn-Burner - 2 mo. ago I recently had a similar situation. Was hiking alone with my dog and we came up to a clearing and there was 4 dogs off leash playing while the owners chatted. It's a smallish place but plenty of room to avoid people if you want. I skirted the clearing to get back to the trails and all the dogs ran to greet mine which is fine normally. One dog though wouldn't leave us alone and the owner had to get him. Back on the trail and away from the clearing I heard the same d


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