Hi there, friends! As per schedule, we're here to pop up and share a wholesome little cat video to brighten up your day. Any cat owner knows that cats are quite the mischievous bunch. Thanks to their feline intelligence, they're able to carefully plan and execute all the criminal cat-tivities that their little hearts desire.
The story goes that a cat threw up on her comforter, which led to her hooman having to wash it (obviously). After running it in the washing machine, the hooman put the comforter in the dryer as the final stage of the procedure. What happened next is that the clever cat decided the warm dryer would be the perfect place for a nappy. Many commentators were quite suspicious of the cat and called her out for premeditation. They're saying it was all on purpose, just so she could a. enjoy a nice warm nap and b. enjoy a clean warm blanket right after.
We don't know if this was her plan all along, but we're not mad about it. She clearly wanted two things: a warm place to nap while her comforter is being washed and a clean comforter… seems like a win-win situation to us. For the cat, of course. Probably not for the hooman. Actually, who are we kidding? With an awwdorable face like that, everything seems like a win-win.
Right? We're just wondering where all of this confidence comes from. Don't get us wrong, we love that cats are so unbothered and shameless but… asking for a friend, how?! Sometimes we feel like we should be taking a page out of our cats' books.
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