Cat Enjoys A Warm Nap While The Dryer Dries The Blanket She Just Threw Up On

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    Smile - Maria I'm literally seeing this as I'm washing my comforter that my cat threw up on
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    Font - ArdisP Yup! When it's out of the dryer, she will nap on the warm and clean comforter. Literally rinse and repeat.
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    Human body - AcquiescedJess Queen behavior
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    Font - Steph Drizzle cats just live so unbothered.
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    Font - Maria Gabriela As she should
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    Font - Logan.meea22 Baddie vibes only
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  • 08
    Human body - delaney Bahaha it's a cats world and we're just living in it
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    Font - S My cat will literally tear the door to the laundry off it's hinges to do this
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    Font - Y. Lopez It's called self care okay
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    Rectangle - ERIN plot twist she only does this so she can then sleep on the warm laundry
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    Font - steph_unnie This sounds premeditated
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    Font - seedubyu Goals achieved all over again tomorrow start the same process


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