With marriage can come along a lot of issues regarding money. We all have different ideas of how to spend, save, and when to discuss taking money out. When two people can't communicate about these things and their habits don't align, problems ensue. Personally, I'm grateful I don't share a bank account with anyone right now. I've got about $5 to my name at the moment, and I just don't see how I could share that with someone.
In today's Am I The A$$hole post, OP asks if she's an A$$hole for blowing up on her husband for taking money out of their IVF savings to loan a friend. Who's in the wrong here? Should OP's husband be discussing these decisions beforehand? Is it their shared money, or does she have more of a claim to it since it's largely hers? Scroll down for more context and let us know what you think.
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