There is no recipe for it seamless marriage. Every marriage is going to see its highs and its lows. And most are going to see a whole lot of mundane because that's basically what long-term love looks like. Sure there is a whole bunch of passion, you'll find high levels of love and anger mixing together at every intersection. But once you resolve that issue, and express your love in whichever way you prefer towards each other, it's back to normal quiet relationship sh*t.
As long as you've got humor in your relationship though, things can never get too dull. We think it's best to have a partner that keeps you on your toes in more ways than one. You'll never get bored in your marriage if your partner is constantly teasing you for your little quirks. Sure, it's annoying, but at least it's not boring.
So whether you're married, or just love love, you'll probably enjoy these relationship memes.
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