Situationships are fun at the beginning when new feelings are just beginning to blossom and you find out more about each other everyday, kind of like a new relationship except nothing is defined. While this type of relationship sounds carefree, it might not be after a while depending on the type of person you are. Most people we know would want clarity after a while, especially if they were looking to commit to someone from the get-go. For example, you might think the situationship is just a temporary situation until you find someone who's ready to hang out, but suddenly, it's been 10 months and you have no idea where the time went. The time you spent hanging out with your situationship could have been spent cultivating a relationship with someone who is actually ready to be serious and committed. Big oof! Scroll down for our favorite situationship tweets of the week.
Time to face the truth.
Feeling super called out.
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