Getting proposed to is a pretty big deal, and a lot of us gals have been dreaming of the moment from the second we were born. Okay not the second we were born, but definitely for a good while. Some women would rather be proposed to in private, without another soul in sight to witness the intimate question, while others want a grand proposal in front of a million people — the bigger, the better. To each their own… that's why it's so important to discuss things like this beforehand.
A TikToker by the name of Cass, who goes by the username @caesthetically, uploaded a video of an extremely awkward proposal to TikTok that she and about a hundred others witnessed on a rooftop of a hotel in Hawaii while on vacation. It was pretty uncomfortable to watch… Check it out down below.
Lol, her face… priceless.

A romantic song can be heard playing in the background, as fellow guests tell the woman in the video ‘It’s you, girl! Is it you? It's you!' as she stands there awkwardly with big eyes, obviously wondering what the heck is going on. They urge her to go on stage.
Ummm… Should I stay or should I go?

She can't seem to decide whether or not she is going to partake in whatever this is. We see a lot of hesitance going on…
Okay, she's on the move!

Our man is in sight! He is standing with a microphone, gesturing to the cameras. He begins off by saying how important Hawaii is to him, and New Years, and then proceeds to tell this gorgeous woman that he is ‘crazy in love with her’. If she wasn't so standoffish, it would be very romantic…

He then gets down on one knee and says ‘You are the love of my life. Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?'.
And… silence. She kind of gawks at him, as the crowd waits impatiently cheering them on. She can't seem to say anything, let alone the word ‘yes’. After a few more moments of her staying mute, he nudges her by saying ‘It’s a simple yes or no'.


Cass, and apparently everyone else, fully thought that the woman was going to say no. Then the woman breaks her silence — ‘Oh my gosh. Yes?’, the crowd cheers, he gets up, slips the engagement ring on her finger as she goggles at him, and kisses her. All this while we're left wondering what the heck just happened. Yes? As in, yes with a question mark? Isn't it supposed to be a word followed by an exclamation point?
The Happy? Couple.


Apparently, the moment they went off stage, they immediately began fighting. The woman can be heard saying, ‘Why did you do that?’. Way to start off as fiances!
'Why did you do that?'

The comments have us relating, hard. They all say what we're thinking. Some of them mention the fact that maybe they should have discussed expectations for the proposal beforehand, while others think she was saying yes just to be nice. You can check out some of the best down below. If you want to watch the full video, feel free to scroll to the end. Let's all hope we will want to marry our future fiance when the time comes… Because this may be a proposal to remember, but not for the right reasons!

Full Video
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