There's nothing like money and inheritance to drive a wedge between family members. There is a wide range of potential reasons why this woman's late father did not include her younger sister as part of the inheritance: perhaps he drafted the will before she was born or came of age, or perhaps she has a history of being irresponsible with money, or perhaps she even was included and this is all a lie concocted by the greedy mother. Who's to say?
One thing we do know for sure, however, is that this woman is entitled to her fair share of the money. There is no world in which signing that money over to her mother is the responsible solution here, no matter how much of a nightmare her mother is. The Redditor posted this thread on Reddit's r/entitledparents subreddit, and let's just say that people in the comments were quick to give similar advice. Keep scrolling below for the full story! For more, check out this amusing story about a guy's spicy order at a restaurant.
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