'The National Museum of Fur Babies has been a pillar of art and culture in the Kittenstown community for over 150 years. Officially inaugurated by Her Meowjesty the Queen only 5 years after opening up to the purrblic, it has shown its vast and meowjestic galleries to members of the purrblic, schoolkittens, pawliticians and clawlebrities alike.'
'Now for the first time in hisstory, we will be opening these hallowed halls for the new influx of hooman tourists in Kittenstown, in order to build a strong bond of fwendship and twust between our peoples. Therefore we would officially like to welcome the hooman delegates from hoomanland who have graciously joined us today. Meowlo to you all! And now all rise for the national anthem, Cat God Save The Queen.'
Nothing like an adorable little blllp to get you're day started awwdorably! In fact, its quite possible that the blllp might be one of the most powerful and cute moves kittens have, capable of causing awwws and ahhhs on a worldwide scale.
Snuggle buddies, snuggle buddies, best lil huggle buddies. These cuteness levels are absolutely meowtastic! It should definitely be mandatory for all kittens to get their own free plushie sheep buddy to be snuggly with.
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