In the viral video, created by @angelinanicollle and shared by @MattsBestTweets, Angelina shares her newly discovered snack food. It's nearly free, it arrives right to your front door, and it's… crunchy? Sort of? Check out the screen grabs below to get the full story, then keep scrolling to discover why commenters on both posts were utterly obsessed with this bizarre snacking habit.
Matt attached the following video to his tweet, and you'll soon see why his tweet garnered 2.3 million views and 16.5k likes!
Let's get down to business: Can you eat packing peanuts like @angelinanicollle does in this vid?
Technically, yes, BUT you should not for numerous reasons!
First, you'd have to know that you aren't eating a regular old packing peanut, because those are frequently made out of Styrofoam. However, maybe you're still tempted to munch on a packing peanut, since edible ones have been around since the 1980s.
Certain types of packing peanuts are made of biodegradable material that might seem edible at first. It's comprised of mainly starches, like corn starch. But, as one company noted, the little noodles are designed without sugar or anything that might attract animals, so there goes any good taste.
In addition, these peanuts aren't made in food safe conditions — as Starch Tech writes, “…They are not manufactured under food-grade quality conditions and, therefore, are not meant for human or pet consumption.” As you may or may not know, there are strict rules that food processing plants have to adhere to. Those packing peanut folks aren't following those rules, since their product isn't intended to wind up as your snack food.
So even though you technically can eat them, I'll let you check out the commenters below @MattsBestTweets' tweet, who expanded upon why these aren't the tasty snack you might want them to be…
Meanwhile, underneath @angelinanicollle's TikTok (with 1.3 million views and counting), commenters left even more horrifying comments.
Hopefully you're grossed out thinking about eating the same food as rats and bugs. So let this be a learning lesson — just eat Cheetos instead.
Check out the insanity at @MattsBestTweets and @Angelinanicollle. Thumbnail photo via Chuttersnap on Unsplash.
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