Welcome back to the 90s and early oughts, millennials. Where the Pizza Hut feels like your second home, Blockbuster has a sale on Cookie Dough Bites, Shrek is available to rent on DVD, and your friend just glow in the dark stars that they need help putting all over the ceiling of their room. Life is good. Let's enjoy this blast to the past together through our very own millennial-created art form—memes! We invented them and now they are a main source of conveying a certain sentiment. In this case, we're diving headfirst into nostalgia, millennial nostalgia only. We remember Shadow's emotional return in Homeward Bound, we mourn or late Tamagotchi pets, and we also say hello again to some of our favorite childhood characters. What a time to be a kid, amiright? Some Gen Z might say they remember some of these things, but they weren't at peak coming-of-age hormone-craziness age when these things were popular, so they just didn't have the same experience. If you agree, scroll on and remember the good times with memes!