Animal Comedy Newsletter

Little Girl Finds Her Soul Puppy with Frightened Stray Dog Who Wouldn't Come Out from Hiding for Anybody Else, Names Her Magic


Animals just know things that we don't. Things like who is pure at heart, who really needs a furry friend right now, etc. Think about it, dogs always come into your life right when you need them, sometimes when you didn't even know you needed them! 

Recently, a stray pup further proved this unofficial sixth sense that dogs have when he met his soul person. This little pup had been hiding in the backyard of the grandparents' of this littler girl. The grandparents tried to get it to come out from hiding in the bushes, but the sweet fur baby was too afraid. So they fed her, and she stuck around, but still wouldn't let anyone approach her. Then the little girl came to visit and the grandparents told her and her parents about the pup. The parents first tried to approach, but the dog was too scared and stayed hidden. The dog didn't seem mal-tempered or dangerous, just scared and sad. So the parents deemed it safe for the daughter to give it a try. 

She slowly walked up to the scared puppy and surprisingly the little fur baby gave one little sniff and came out of the bush right now here! Slowly, of course, but the dog seemed extremely happy to be approached by this sweet baby girl—as if she knew everything was going to be ok now. The dog eventually let the parents pick her up and put her in their truck. They got her scanned, checked at the vet, and searched high and low to see if she was just lost, but nothing. 

Turns out this puppy was right where she needed to be and was united with her soul person.

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