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'His kisses didn't feel the same': Groomers accidentally switch up dogs and won't believe the owner when she tells them they gave her the wrong one


There are some mix-ups that happen in life you can laugh off later, and then there are some that will traumatize you for life in different degrees. This story seems like a traumatizing one to any dog owners. A woman took her sweet doodle to the groomers for a wash and cut and when she got him back she could hardly recognize him. She tried to convince herself that maybe she had just never seen him with such a short cut before, but the little things started to reveal the truth. For one, he felt heavier, his nose was darker and snout longer, he wasn't familiar with his beloved carseat, and his sweet sloppy kisses didn't even feel the same. She felt like she was losing her mind, but the other alternative felt worse to her, which was losing her actual dog. So she went back in to try and solve the mystery. See the whole story for yourself below:


“Short version of a long story but I feel so bad for the random dog that was scared. I was imagining biscuit at someone’s house & was just glad he was still there after stressing hard af. I was waiting to get home to see if this dog knew his way around the house so i could call back bc this is only the 2nd time we’ve gone to this groomer since moving & it happened bc we arrived 10 min early so my groomer wasn't the one who checked him in so just miscommunication. So she offered a refund & i get next groom free & she felt horrible but in conclusion I’ve never been so thrilled to see biscuit ever & i’m so sorry to the random dog who was low-key dognapped for a few min LOL & if this was ur dog i promise he was in good hands & they rly did look similar."

Part 1:


“Today was literally the most stressful day I will ever live on planet earth. So I took my dog to the groomer, and she calls me that he's ready for pickup. So I go in there and I'm like, ‘oh, my gosh, you look brand new.’ I did not recognize him. Like, his ears were shorter, everything like that. So I'm just trying to convince myself that this is him because there's no other dogs in here. But anyways, take him out to the car to see his behavior if it's still different, because the dog is acting like it knows me, like, in there. But once I got out to the car is when I knew that it was not Biscuit because Biscuit has a car seat, and he comes everywhere in the car with me, like, everywhere. So once he didn't act like he knew where he was going, I went back in because he was crying in the car as well. I just knew it wasn't Biscuit. 

So I went back in, and I'm like, 'I know this is really weird, but is there any way this is not Biscuit?Because, like, there's just so many things that are different. Like, he feels heavier. He has a black nose. Like, do you guys do anything to his nose to make it darker? Because he has, like, a discolored nose, you know, and he has a white forehead. Like, this dog feels heavier than Biscuit. He acts like he doesn't know me. He's crying in the car. I just don't think it's Biscuit.' And then I'm showing pictures and everything like that to all of them because they're all collectively trying to figure out this mystery with me. And the one girl is like, 'that doesn't even look like the same coat.' So I'm sitting there for, like, 20 minutes, but they're like, 'no, that's genuinely Biscuit.The only other doodle we've had today is a girl, so it couldn't be a mix up.' They checked the schedule and everything. They're like, ‘this is the only cockapoo we have today.’ So I'm just sitting here with this dog that I'm trying to convince is mine, and I'm like, 'okay, well, maybe he's just, like, shook up from the groomer?' Which was weird because he doesn't normally act like that after the groomer. 

So I take this dog back to the car because what else am I going to do? And it's crying like it's being kidnapped because I'm kidnapping it. We're both clearly distressed in that situation. So then by the time I get on the interstate, they call me and say, 'oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. We found Biscuit in the cage by the bath!' So I go back, and biscuit hasn't even been cut yet. I dropped him off at 1, and it is 5p.m.! But I was just so thrilled to see Biscuit because I just spent, like 30 minutes trying to convince myself that that was my dog because they wouldn't believe me that it wasn't Biscuit. Like, I sat there for 20 minutes trying to convince them that it was not Biscuit… I was feeling crazy. I was feeling crazy in the first place to even go in there and say that—I don't do that. I'm not the person to speak up. So that's how I knew it was real. But, oh, my gosh, and no shade to the groomer, like, this was an honest mistake, and I don't want her to feel stressed.”

Part 2:

Biscuit description:

Owner explains reaction:

“Idk if I’ll ever take him to a groomer again. I have a dog clipper/razor set so I’m ab to go to YouTube university for grooming…”


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