Happy, happy Monday, everyone! Get up, rise and shine, curse Monday for existing but welcome the new week with open arms! We know you're sleepy, we know you want five more minutes in bed so badly, we know that the thought of starting another workweek is a bit dreadful, but alas, somehow has to make money to make sure that our pets stay as spoiled as they are. And that means getting up and getting to work. But first, we have something that will kick-start your week in an awesome way - a collection of some amazing animal pictures.
Every single Monday morning, we bring you guys the 20 most awesome animal pictures we could find on the web - the most epic from across the animal kingdom. These funny, cute, amazing photos will give you all the inspiration that you need to get up on Monday morning and be productive, we promise. Have an amazing week, guys!
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"The tiger quoll, or spotted-tailed quoll, is known to be one of the most violent animals in the Australian bush. In addition to its bad temper, it also has among the strongest bites of any predatory mammal in the world, which it uses to tear flesh and crush bones and invertebrates."
"The Indri is endemic to Madagascar's eastern rainforests and is the world's largest lemur species. They measure between 25 to 28 inches long and can weigh up to 21 pounds. The Malagasy word for them is "Babakoto," often translated as "Ancestor". Sadly, they are classified as Critically Endangered."
"The Common genet is a cat-like carnivore found in Africa and southwestern Europe. Nocturnal and shy, this slender small-spotted genet features black marks on the face, which makes it look as though it is wearing a mask."
"The Asian vine snake can be found in the tree canopies of forests and gardens in South Asia, where it delicately slithers from branch to branch. When threatened, it faces its attacker with its arrow-like snout, inflates its neck, coils its body into an S-shape, and sticks out its tongue."
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