A lot of people treat animated media as if it's lesser, childish, and not to be taken seriously. Obviously, that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not going to pretend that I'm some sort of animation expert, but if you've seen a single Studio Ghibli film, Pixar, or even just the newest Spider-Verse flick, you know just how impressive the genre can be.
Sure, there are low-effort movies aimed at the sole objective of entertaining children. But that's not exclusive to animation. Just look at the upcoming comedy featuring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx as the voices for dogs. It has one of the least funny trailers I've seen in ages and it looks to be a low-effort adult comedy cash grab. I can't recall the title, but I'm not even going to dignify its existence with a quick Google search. All that to say, bad movies exist in every genre. For every few dozen schlocky movies, an incredible, or at least passably decent, movie emerges. It's just unfortunate that animation has been assigned as the poster child for low-effort cash-grab films. The genre is so much more than that!
Let's celebrate the animation genre with comedy concerning the most prominent animation studio out there: Pixar. Every movie they release is a hit (for the most part) and, similarly, these memes are going to be a hit if you're a fan of the Disney-owned entertainment company!