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British Town Of Bury Baffled Over Pink Pigeon Spotted Snacking During Police Patrol (Pictures & Comments)

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    Bird - BBC NEWS Mystery pink pigeon baffles locals in UK town

    We would be seriously baffled if we saw a pink pigeon randomly on the street. So baffled that we might even try to use it as an excuse to go home early from work. Do you think we could swing it? "Sorry boss, we're just too confused by the state of the world after seeing this pink pigeon. We need to go home and contemplate our place in the universe." Convincing, right?

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    Friends, just because it's pink doesn't mean that we should treat it any differently. It eats stale bread just like every other pigeon, and is probably just as dirty. Unless it's like the mutated spider from Spiderman, and if it bites you you get pink pigeon powers. But….do we really want that?

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    Font - bbcnews "It adds a bit of colour to the place." A "rare pink pigeon" has been spotted in the town centre of Bury, England - much to the surprise of locals. No one is completely sure why the bird is pink - but residents have their theories. Tap the link in @BBCNews's bio to find out what locals said.
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    Gesture - jodiejporteous He must have gone to see the Barbie movie 20h 2,263 likes Reply
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    Font - the_diannosaur Barbie marketing team can't be stopped. 20h 867 likes Reply
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    Font - deborah.green2 Perhaps it identifies as a flamingo? 20h 531 likes Reply
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    Font - carlaus It has the barbie flu
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    Font - doollynoted Grew up with and ate the same food as flamingos. Just a guess. Why are Flamingos Pink? | Q&A Flamingos are pink due to their diet, which includes pigments from the food they eat, such as algae and crustaceans, that contain carotenoids, turning their feathers pink over time. Doolly Noted
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    Font - the_jack_thompson If we have learn anything from the Pink Panther, it's that this pidgin is probably an international diamond thief... stay vigilant people, don't trust the pink pidgin!
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    Font - biaflecha Probably escaped a baby gender reveal party
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    Font - picsofraven This reminds of the time scientists thought they found a rare orange bird, and it was just a seagull covered in curry. Haha
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    Font - maxisms I'm sorry I can't be her


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