IT'S SPOOKY SEASON Y'ALL– and there's nothing you can do about it anymore. Unfortunately for every cat lover's kitten, that also means it's the time of year where felines are unable to stop their hoomans from going crazy in the costume aisle. Spooky szn lovers are usually also cat people, so cats are the most susceptible pets to unwanted costumery. Luckily for us, these adorable felines will put up with anything for a tiny spoonful of tuna and we're here to reap the benefits of that bribery! For at least one millisecond, every costumed cat will sit with an uncomfortable glare on their face, frozen in a purrfect costumed bravado for a brief moment before they wiggle free of their polyester confines. Once free of their capes, hates, and shackles, they'll terrorize the house and sprint to every corner (possibly climbing the curtains) to steer clear of any further hooman advances of the costumed variety.
So grab your cameras and pick up that kitty, they've got a costume to try on and there's nothing they can do to stop us! (except maybe scratch or bite or claw at us, but that's just some regular week-day activities, so there's nothing new)
If you want to enjoy some other people attempting to put Halloween costumes on their kitties, scroll onward to enjoy the angered faces and cutest whiskery tricks n' treats. Start every morning purrfectly - sign up to our daily newsletter!
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