I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 20 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

  • 1

    "My step-mom adopted a cat for her elderly parents. We were nervous her dad wouldn’t like him…"

    Comfort - digk
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  • 2

    "Saved this little guy from the streets yesterday, needs a spooky name now!"


    "As a part time job, I work at a café. This little one started meowing out of no where, in the middle of the rain. We gave him some food and out of nowhere he adopted my fiance but jumping to his lap :( Asked around if anyone knew him, but they all said he was a stray cat. He's such a bondle of joy! Just loves cuddles and kissies! Gonna take him to the vet on monday to check everything and then hopefully he'll stay with us! Any name ideas? I want something spooky!!"

  • 3

    "First time pet owner at 34. Everyone meet Salem and Sabrina"

    Cat - happy FOURN of july
  • 4

    "Brought home this little void today! Help me name him?!"

    Cat - 0⁰0

    "This sweet baby was surrendered to my vet in 2020 as a kitten. I saw him for the first time a few days ago when I took my tortie in for a checkup.

    Love at first sight! I couldn't stop thinking about him and called them the next day to say I wanted to adopt him.

    He's been well cared for, but due to the nature of the shelter, he's spent most of his life in a crate.

    He's very sweet and trusting and is letting me pet him. But he's still unsure about leaving the carrier."

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  • 5

    "Got my first cat this week"

  • 6

    "Rescued her from a shelter three days ago and she’s finally getting comfortable"

  • 7

    "Had to get my cats eye removed a month after getting her but she’s doing great today!!"

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  • 8

    "'No we're going to put her up for adoption when she's old enough, we already have a cat'... We kept the cat"

    Window - G
  • 9

    "Our newest family member, Ziggy. He is blind but adapting very well already."

  • 10

    "Adopted my cats two years apart... I think they bonded flawlessly"

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  • 11

    "Newly adopted baby girl! Name suggestions?"

    Cat - 20 ARO
  • 12

    "Just adopted this little beast"

  • 13

    "Adopted this sweet young momma yesterday afternoon from our local SPCA. She's a year old, very vocal and oh so social. Help me pick out a name for her!"


    "Her SPCA name is "Carnival", and all eight of her babies are named after carnival rides (fun slide, gravitron, log flume, bouncy castle, etc).

    So far I have brainstormed these names: Zora (after my favorite author and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston) Siobhan Zelia (mother of Mexican Archaeology) Frida

    Any anthropology/archaeology name suggestions would be awesome"

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  • 14

    "I just adopted my first cat yesterday!"

  • 15

    "Took my little twins home today!"

  • 16

    "1 hour after I adopted him"

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  • 17

    "Just adopted this little rascal"

  • 18

    "Adopted a new baby from the shelter!"

  • 19

    "My other girl Shroomie - we adopted her 3 months ago"

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  • 20

    "Adopted a new cutie today"



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