Adorable Amusing Animal Memes Warm Your Hooman Soul This Tuesday

  • 01
    me: "damn I need to get ready" also me for 57 minutes:
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  • 02

    "It's true, she deserves the best"

    Other people: I never let my dog sit on the couch, they'll ruin it Me with my dog:
  • 03

    "Why does the alarm instantly make the bed comfier "

    *alarm goes off for 47th time* Me:
  • 04
    Anyone: "Don't do that" That Me
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  • 05

    "Looks like Nicki has some competition£"

    In an unforseen turn of events, it is actually the anaconda who's got buns, hun
  • 06
    planning an argument in my head me arguing
  • 07

    "This is a mood"

    pressing play on netflix with a full plate of food Finally, inner peace.
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  • 08

    "This one's my fave"

    beautiful pumpkin art
  • 09

    "So talented"

    Antifa Skratchere @TonySkratchere Someone taught a raccoon how to finger paint and it's the best thing I've seen in a while. $1
  • 10

    "Looks very huggable"

    can't stop thinking about cats with curly fur
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  • 11

    "So cute"

    Sophie Kalagas @skalagas if anyone's ever wondered how they weigh a koala... UNIT 332
  • 12

    "So true"

    me waking up from a nap trying to remember who and where i am
  • 13

    "Until my nintendog starts barking"

    12 year old me pretending to be asleep with my DS under the pillow
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  • 14


    Conrad Brunstrom @conbrunstrom < And in good news that makes up for everything, in Costa Rica they've discovered a frog that looks more like Kermit than any other frog.
  • 15

    "Just iso things"

    me sneaking into the kitchen with no pants on at 2:24 am to eat shredded cheese
  • 16

    "Every time"

    "You not even watching the movie" Me: Yes I am Eko


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