"Avatar: The Last Air Bender"… Yeah, I know, a blast from the past. As a child, there wasn't a single day that went by without us watching at least one episode of Avatar. It was our family bonding time, and I would even go so far as to say that it was our family tradition. Every single night, after school, when our parents would come home from work, we would find our places on the couch, turn off the lights, make some popcorn (of course), and watch it together.
Personally, I loved Katara, she was beautiful, powerful, funny, smart… I mean, basically, the woman I aspired to be. Adorable, I know. My brothers, on the other hand, were absolute nightmares. Not a day would go by without them fighting over who gets to be Avatar Aang.
I love reminiscing about my childhood… the good old days. On that note, if you are anything like me, check out some hilarious Avatar Aang memes down below! And when you're done, be sure to check out some precious Lord of the Rings memes!