‘You owe me $1,000 for the kids Christmas gifts’: After Divorced Couple Agrees to Spend Money Separately on Xmas Gifts, Man Demands 1k Reimbursement For Presents

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    ş AITA for refusing to give my ex money for our kids Christmas gifts? Posted by u/wildberry1738 16 hours ago
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    My ex 39M and I 39F share three girls, aged 13, 11, and 8. Since we got divorced four years ago, we've each been doing our own Christmas separately with the girls. Before the divorce, our
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    Christmas was pretty modest and I've kept to the same spending on gifts every year after the divorce as well, which is around $250 per kid, give or take (my eldest was a little more expensive this year as she also got a laptop
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    she needed for school). The first Christmas after the divorce, my ex went all out with presents. I think he spent in total probably well over $3,000 on presents for the girls. Obviously they were
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    thrilled. I was a little skeptical all of how he was affording it but chalked it up to a one time gesture to give the girls a little extra love after a tumultuous year. I even felt a little guilty I didn't go as big for Christmas that year.
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    But then the next year he did it again and it became a tradition almost, the girls have become really excited around the holidays for Christmas at their dad's. I was happy for them as long as he was able to afford all
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    the stuff he was getting them. Then last year, my ex told me he wasn't doing as well financially and was short $200 for one of the gifts he was planning on getting and asked if I could help out. I was reluctant but he
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    eventually wore me down. This year, instead of asking he flat out demanded I reimburse him $1000 as a contribution to the girls' Christmas gifts. He said he was out a lot of money from
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    the Christmas gifts this year and since it was a tradition and he couldn't disappoint the girls. I was furious when I saw the message. Why would I give him $1000 when I could use it to get gifts for the girls myself. I told him
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    that I wouldn't give anything and that if he couldn't afford it he should just be honest with the girls and tell them that getting that many gifts isn't a sustainable every year. He responded that I was cold and selfish for denying our
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    and selfish for denying our girls the one thing they look forward to all year.
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    peakpenguins. 11 hr. ago Absolutely NTA. The nerve of him trying to buy their love and then being like "actually, you need to help
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    you need to help me buy their love" Imao get outta here
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    hard tyrant_dinosaur 11 hr. ago I wonder how successful the ex had actually been with his over-the- top Christmas gift spending.
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    Kids aren't stupid. At least one of the older two probably sees it for what it is. But they're not likely to tell dad that. Not when they're making out
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    like bandits in the process. His "the one thing they look forward to" arguement also gives vibes that he doesn't
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    make too much effort to spend time with them the rest of the year. If he spent more time and effort on them the rest of the year,
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    they'd have more than just "that one thing" to look forward to.
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    Eluvietie266. 9 hr. ago He's probably not doing well financially because of all the interest he's had to pay
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    on the cards he used for their presents the last however many years
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    geekylace. 8 hr. ago Right?? On top of the debt did he give you any credit for the gift(s) you contributed to
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    last year? If not, when is he paying you back? He's not entitled to your money and it's a good lesson to teach
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    your children now to not spend beyond their means. Especially in this economy.
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    Academic-Finding5164 . 7 hr. ago NTA - it sounds like he was trying to show off with the presents and how he was the better parent.
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    Tell him no and to spend only what his budget allows.
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    Conscious-Arm-7889. 7 hr. ago He's also saying that nothing OP does with them is worth the kids looking forward to!
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    tuna tofu 8 hr. ago Total Disney Dad going on here. Splurges to put on a show on special occasions. I hope hes paying his regular support.
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    Procedure-Golden510. 5 hr. ago There's nothing selfish about a refusal to spend your money on things your ex wants to spend money on. It's your money to decide
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    how you want to spend it. Selfish is demanding money he isn't entitled to.
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    Thanks Unselfish 772. 5 hr. ago ΝΤΑ And wow he must be a pretty dad if all they look forward to all year are gifts from him!
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    kronos0315 · 11 hr. ago So let me see if I understand this correctly, you buy your kids Christmas present he buys the kids Christmas present, but for some reason this dude wants
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    you to give him money for the Christmas presents that he bought which has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry I've been laughing for like 2 minutes because you really can't make this up. You
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    should name your ex- husband slick Rick because my dude got some on him


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