
‘Are your followers more important than this relationship?' OnlyFans Creator Exposes Personal Relationship On Camera, Fiance Faced With the Decision to Make an Ultimatum

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    Posted by u/Wonderful-Thanks-856 5 days ago AITA for Ending My Engagement Because Of my Fiancée's Streaming Career?
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    I've been with my fiancée for 5 incredible years, 4 as a couple, an 1 engaged. But our relationship took a drastic turn when she started streaming last year on Twitch and Kick. It began as a casual hobby, but now she's fully immersed, streaming around 11 hours a day. Yes, she's successful, pulling in around 5 figures a month, which is
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    impressive, and helps out a lot. However, the cost to our personal life has been high. She's completely SFW in her content, but the invasion of our privacy is overwhelming. For instance, she once shared our argument about postponing our wedding, and another time discussed my health issues live on stream. Our private moments, like dinners or just
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    relaxing at home, often become backdrops for her streams, because she streams from our bedroom. Our relationship dynamic has shifted dramatically. Her streaming schedule leaves little room for us, and when she's not streaming, she's either prepping for the next
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    one or engaging with her community on social media. I've tried discussing boundaries, like keeping certain topics off-limits or having dedicated 'us' time without streaming, but she insists that being open with her audience is a key part of her success. And it very well maybe. I know how powerful parasocial relationships can be.
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    I understand that her viewers feel like friends to her, but it's come to a point where she consults her chat more than me on personal decisions. I've voiced my discomfort with strangers having such an insight into our lives, but she feels I don't appreciate the effort she's putting into building her career.
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    My friends are split on this; some think I should be more supportive, considering it's her income source and she's not doing anything inappropriate. My family, on the other hand, sees my side and is concerned about our lack of privacy. I finally decided to call off the engagement because honestly, I feel like I'm living in a reality show
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    I feel like I'm living in a reality show without ever having signed up for it. AITA?
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    ConsiderSuccess · 5 days ago NTA. If your privacy and dignity is less important than her streaming income then walking away was your only reasonable choice.
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    OhbrotheR66. 5 days ago Who posts about a SO's health related info without their permission. She needs to find a partner who wants to be part of her content, majority of people wouldn't like
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    their private life broadcast for all to see. If he breaks things off, imagine all the she will do with her viewers, making him the bad guy.
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    Beth21286. 5 days ago Streamers/influenc ers have a very short shelf life. When it ends, and it will, she'll realise she threw away her future for a few hundred grand. It's
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    hundred grand. It's sad for her but the best thing for OP.
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    The_Excellent_Koala. 4 days ago She won't sadly. I knew this girl that supposedly had a good partner. She blew up on twitch with 100k followers and has moved partners several times :/
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    Beth21286 4 days ago Very few people who make it big stay there that long. Audiences are fickle and you disappear as quickly as you arrived.
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    BigWOC 5 days ago Not even, there are tons of streamers who don't show their spouses and don't talk about them at all. She's just so content brained that she doesn't care. Most of the OGS people actually know very
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    little personal info about. It's the new streamers that ruin their relationships for a clip.
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    Fluffy_Sheepy 5 days ago · Right? Like the only thing I know about one of my favorite streamers is that he is engaged/married, and that his partner is also a streamer. So we know her streamer name and can follow
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    her too if we want. But I don't know much of anything about them as people or a couple besides that, just the persona that this streamer has constructed for his online use.
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    Sandwich Emergency588 2 days ago Fame is addictive. There are mega stars that continue to act or sing or do whatever thing they are known for because they love the fame and attention. They are
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    beyond wealthy but still continue the life because of the high they get from being famous. Some will do it for the love of whatever they are doing, but many are addicted to the attention. Look at
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    some of the mega stars that flamed out like Brittany Spears. She has to do something to bring herself back into the lime light. She stopped signing a while ago but will find ways to
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    get that attention, and sometimes those ways are self-destructive. Where some would have just retired and focused their life to their family or their hobbies she still keeps grabbing attention. Elon musk is a good
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    OhbrotheR66 - 5 days ago Ending the engagement and relationship, because honestly with her new career and lifestyle she enjoys, they are no longer compatible
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    PrideofCapetown. 5 days ago OP realized he was the side chick. She's in a committed relationship with her camera.
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    Bet she isn't even upset OP ended it, since it gave her so much more material to blabber on about. Like Taylor Swift does when she breaks up with someone, only longer. And
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    without the catchy music. Or lyrics. Or vocals. Or 99.99% of the talent
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    TX_Farmer. 5 days ago NTA - She's made her life (and yours) a commodity. It is unhealthy to not have a clear distinction between "work" and "home/family." You have a Greek chorus of strangers chiming in on your relationship, health
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    and work. Do you want to be in a relationship with 100,000 strangers? That's not fair to you. You didn't sign up for this or consent to it. Five figures a month comes at a high cost.


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