"I think it should be a wider angle..."
"A little to the left Steve!"
"Interesting, I don't see it, do you?"
"Hmmm... If only the bee's could stop"
"Ya.... That's Close enough"
"Yup, Perfect. Just zoom in a little"
"Wooh! This thing can zoom in quickly!"
"hmm, Not my best but it will have to do"
"Ugh, being the assistant is hard"
"Ok, Just hold still"
"How Do you work this thing?"
"Alrighty... Everyone SMILE!"
"I said to back away from the lens Carl!"
"Hun, Ya Hun... Can you move to the right a little. I can't see the landscape"
"The perfect shoot"
"Make sure it's real clean"
"Sir, please I'm trying to work. You can take my photo later."
"Yup, you're in the picture"
"Yes Susan, I'm taking the picture"
"Yes! Work it!"
"Ugh, are you guys ready yet? We are losing light!"
Moving up in the world "You guys we may have to reshoot that, they moved to quickly"
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