Oh Australians… nothing compares to the kind of bird stories that come out of your country. First, we hear that, in your country, cockatoos have learned how open trash cans on their own. Then, we hear that cockatoos bite kangaroos' tails to steal their food in some other part of your country. And then, we see videos of awwdorable round-bellied fluffy Kookaburras allowing humans to pet their bellies, and goodness gracious, we want to visit so badly.
The more we see, the more we believe that it's not abnormal to have birb friends in Australia, and yes, there are some horrifying animals in your country too, everyone knows that. But, for the bird petting, we are willing to get over our fears and visit. Just promise that we will get to befriend a bird. Just… that one promise, and we will try to forget about the spiders. Brr.