21 Cool Aunt Memes for Sisters Who Are Besties with Their Bestie's Homemade Besties

  • 01
    Sister asked me to watch her son yesterday... so I took him skydiving!
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  • 02
    Me, the fun aunt, dropping my niece and nephew off back at my sister's after giving them a full day of doing, saying, and eating whatever they want:
  • 03
    When my niece and I have an inside joke her parents don't understand:
  • 04
    NE$$ @highoffness when my nephew says the bad word i taught him:
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  • 05
    Me when my sister tells me why she had to ground her kids, like I wasn't the one who picked them up and dropped them off:
  • 06
    natalie tran [bring them here] * @natalietran Sister: how was the sleep over? Niece: it was great! Auntie Natalie let me have two ice creams! Sister: wow! Me: she was being a good kid, it was a one off Me to niece separately: never again you little snitch 7/7/18, 9:10 am
  • 07
    Me picking up my best friend's daughter up early from school and taking her to get ice cream
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  • 08
  • 09
    Niece: "So don't tell my mom, but... Me, the cool aunt giving the best advice: Holy Guacamole
  • 10
    Amanda Lynch @alwaysgivingout ... My niece got her ex education in school today, she came home looked at my sister and her husband and said "you two are disgusting"
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  • 11
    This the death stare Imma give the boy talking to my niece when she calls me to pick her up from the party she's not supposed to be at: Wa n
  • 12
    Me practicing for the role of the rich. auntie I'm about to be. Ceck
  • 13
    "When you become an aunt, you will mature" Me being an aunt:
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  • 14
    Em Treasure @emtreas Ladies, imagine this. It's 15 years from now, and you have no kids. You're the cool wine aunt that occasionally comes back to the country for a brief visit before leaving for another long, exotic vacation. You have no commitments, and a suspicious amount of money. L
  • 15
    CURITY When you get in trouble and your cool aunt comes to protect you
  • 16
    my cool aunt handing me my first beer
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  • 17
    Me fulfilling my rich auntie. duties with all my friend's kids.
  • 18
    your secret is always safe with me and my niece
  • 19
    can't wait to wear this outfit to family gatherings knowing i'm the rich auntie who doesn't have kids, but has traveled the world
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  • 20
    Eks My bestie niece and I talking *hit on my sister/her mom
  • 21
    CHANEL The cool aunt's car when she goes to pick up her neice and nephew from school: H 合租


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