Building a summer wardrobe can be nerve-wracking, challenging, and exciting. When scouring the mall for summer clothing, you must be on the look out for light-weight pieces that are flattering, in-style, and revealing to whatever degree is comfortable for you personally. Because summer clothing tends to show a bit more, it can bring up a lot of mixed feelings about our bodies, the culture we live in, and what's socially acceptable. Despite all these things swimming around in our heads as we try on jorts in the ghastly, unflattering lighting of department store fitting rooms, we all manage to to figure it out once a year.
But imagine if suddenly, only weeks after splurging at the mall, your summer fits didn't, well, fit anymore. They're too small, and you know you haven't really changed your eating habits or activity level. It must have been a maddening feeling for our protagonist in today's Reddit story when this happened to her. And it must have been even more enraging when her husband revealed that he was the one behind the shrinking clothes in an act of petty revenge. Seamstress-ful!
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